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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 20:11



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:56

One which of minority several students selects according to qualification for this school China foreign students, the company has carried on two round interview and a half month-long vocational trainings; sells the field area and the luxury goods shop in the cosmetics, is responsible to sell leads buys with services and so on language translation; by sells the representative capacity to receive the Chinese tourists and to lead responsibly tax-free buys, or provides the language translation service for the Thai sellers and the Chinese tourists, enhances Chinese and foreign tourist's shopping success ratio. Thai and English spoken language ability had consolidated and the enhancement, the team spirit and the service skill also had the very big enhancement, with the peaceful nationality seller, the foreign staff, the shopkeeper and manager's relations were together harmoniously, practice period positively to in office staff or the shopkeeper proposed oneself met in reality doubts and suggestion, therefore obtained the high appraisal in the learning capability and the interpersonal relationship aspect, the company give the practice rating finely. the question supplemented: Also has the following these sections, hoped that each English Daren bustles about again a meeting, extremely thanks! market marketing aspect special course extracurricular practice Some automobile brand market survey 1. take the group as a form, in view of the surveyor is the foreigner, by the surveyor is the Thai consumer's peculiar circumstance, simultaneously considered that the Thai consumer own characteristic design questionnaire, overcomes the psychological barrier which rejects, attempts the new method to communicate unceasingly with them, and collects their opinion; 2. and the local automobile brand dealer carries on the cooperation, obtains the related sales data generalized analysis. 3. completes the be more than ten page of diagnosis to report that obtains the Thai side professional course teacher's affirmation. 4. period, because Thai and the practice managed capacity is strong, by a group electing is the group leader. China some Trading company in Thai Subsidiary company's factory translates along with. Holds concurrent jobs 1. visits the factory as Chinese side's manager and staff member's translation accompaniment along with and so on each activity; 2. through this working practice, translation ability obtained the exercise and the enhancement, the concurrent job employer expresses satisfaction. Guangxi nationality university international pedagogical academy student association external liaison department the 1. prime task is responsible to contact the exterior company and the enterprise supports institute's each kind of activity; 2. through the multiple telephone and the face-to-face talk effective communication, in two weeks obtains a privately operated owner to welcome the newborn theatrical performance smoothly for the institute to support 1200 Yuan with the acoustic equipment, second time pulls for the external liaison department two years to the cash support.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:57

As a few preferredly elected from the Chinese students in the school, I undertook 2-round interviews and half-a-month sales training in the company.

I was serving as sales promoter and translator in the cosmetics sales area and luxuries' shop.

I was receiving and guiding Chinese tourists for shopping in the capacity as ty-free sales representative. I was providing translation services between Thai salesclerks and Chinese tourists to raise the shopping successful rate of Chinese as well as foreign tourists.

My spoken Thai and English has been practised and even improved, at the same time my team-spirit and service skills have been greatly enhanced. I was getting well along with Thai salesclerks, foreign employees, store head and managers. During the internship, I was taking initiatives to ask questions to and suggest to on-job employees or store head, which won me a high rating in the learning skills and inter-relationship. Eventually the company has given me good marks for my internship.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:57

As our Chinese students are selecting one of the few students, the company concted two rounds of interviews and a half months of business training; in the cosmetics market area and the luxury shops, is responsible for the sales guide and translation services; tax exempt sales representative (identity reception for Chinese tourists and is responsible for shopping, or a salesperson for Thai and Chinese tourists provide language translation services, to improve the Chinese and foreign tourists shopping success rate. (Thai and English speaking ability consolidation and improvement, team spirit and service skills have also been greatly improved, and Thai salespeople, foreign employees, managers and managers of harmony, internship actively serving staff or store managers to put forward his own practice in the doubts and suggestions, so learning and interpersonal aspects of higher evaluation, co. excellent rating for internships. (

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:58

For our Chinese students among the minority students to select one of the two wheels, interviews and half a month of professional training,
 in cosmetics and luxury shops selling district, is responsible for sales drive and language translation services,
 with ty-free sales representative identity and be responsible for Chinese tourists received, or to drive in Thailand and China provide sales, in order to enhance the translation service to Chinese and foreign tourists of shopping.
 Thai and oral English ability get stabilize and improve, teamwork spirit and service skills have improved greatly, and Thailand, and foreign staff, manager, sales manager and the relationship together harmoniously, ring my internship with on-the-job employees or their manager in practice of doubt and Suggestions, therefore in the learning ability and interpersonal skills, and the evaluation of higher ratings for excellent company internship.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 01:58

Chinese students for the school among the best students selected one of the few, the company concted two rounds of interviews and two weeks of business training;
 cosmetics stores in the area and luxury stores, responsible for sales Shopping guide and language translation services;
 to ty-free status of sales representatives and is responsible for receiving Chinese tourists shopping guide, or for Thailand Seller and provide language translation services to Chinese tourists, Chinese and foreign tourists to increase the success rate of shopping.
 Thai and English speaking ability to consolidate and improve team spirit and service skills have been greatly improved, and the Thai sales staff, foreign workers, the relationship between the manager and the manager get along, actively working ring the internship put forward their own staff or manager encountered in practice, doubts and suggestions, so learning ability and interpersonal skills get higher rating, rating companies to practice good.
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