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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 20:13



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 03:36

In my eyes, the university is freedom and tolerance.
Universities allow you to do a lot in high school you do not have time, you can chase your interest to become a particular aspect of people; You can play games all day watching movies or residential quarters, no one will stop you as long as you do not fall hanging branches; every day, you can read a book in the study room or library, a school scholarship in mid-Pa; you can also do a community high positions, command following a bunch of mentees. This is a university, what goals you can not mix in college for four years, you can also take advantage of this golden era university lay your future career. We all love freedom, but not all people are suitable for freedom.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 03:36

University allow you to do a lot of things you don't have time to do in high school, you can pursue your interests and become one of talent; You can play games all day or house dormitory watching movies, nobody will stop you to fall as long as you don't fail; You can every day in the study room or library reading, become a scholarship every year to learn bully; You can also achieve a high position in a club, the command below a lower classwoman drove to help. This is the university, what goals you can have in the university for four years, you can also use the university lay the golden period for the rest of your career.
We all like freedom, but not all of them for free.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 03:36

In my eyes, the university is free and tolerant. University allows you to do a lot of you in the high school didn't have time to do things, and you can chase your interest, as one aspect of the master; you can always play games or House Hostel cinema, nobody will stop you. As long as you don't fail; you can every day in the study room or library and read a book, take a year the scholarship to learn; you can also do a very high position in a club, command following a big help mentees. This is the University, what can you goals are not in University mix four years, you can also use the university this golden period lay your career in the future. We all like freedom, but not all people are suitable for free.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 03:37

In my eyes, the university is free and tolerant.
University allows you to do a lot of you in the high school didn't have time to do things, and you can chase your interest, as one aspect of the master; you can always play games or House Hostel cinema, nobody will stop you. As long as you don't fail; you can every day in the study room or library and read a book, take a year the scholarship to learn; you can also do a very high position in a club, command following a big help mentees. This is the University, what can you goals are not in University mix four years, you can also use the university this golden period lay your career in the future.
We all like freedom, but not all people are suitable for free.
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