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Long Long Time是谁唱的?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 21:41



热心网友 时间:2024-09-05 01:30

Long Long Time是黄莺莺唱的,歌词如下:

Long Long Time

Love will abide,
take things in stride
Sounds like good advice,
but there's no one at my side
And, time washes clean,
love's wounds unseen
That's what someone told me,
but I don't know what it means
'Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make him mine
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time
Caught in my fears,
blinking back the tears
I can't say you hurt me,
when you never let me near
And, I never drew,
one response from you
All the while you fell
all over the girls you never knew
'Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make him mine
And I think it's gonna hurt me
For a long, long time
Wait for the day,
you'll go away
Not that you warned me
of the price I'd have to pay
And, life's full of loss,
who knows the cost
Living in the memory
of a love that never was
'Cause I've done everything I know
To try and change your mind
And I think I'm gonna miss you
For a long, long time
Yes I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time

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