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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 13:36



热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 15:13



报名截止:2024 年 3 月 11 日;


division 1:高一学生(IB10年级,A-Level的G1年级部分优秀学生和G2年级)建议选择Division1考题。
division 2:高二,高三学生(IB11-12年级,A-Level年级)选择Division2考题。Division2难度大于Division1

每年的平均分数在16到20分之间;从去年成绩来看,进物理碗TOP100,Division 1至少要考30分,Division 2要考32分
Physics Bowl物理碗知识点汇总:考试范围涵盖力学、电磁学、热力学、光学和近代物理;
a) 全球个人奖:全球排名前100名、

b) 全国金奖:全国排名前10% (Division1, Division2)、

c) 全国银奖:全国排名前20% (Division1, Division2)、

d) 全国铜奖:全国排名前35% (Division1, Division2)、

e) 物理优秀奖:各区排名(除全国奖项外)前20% (Division1, Division2)


a) 全球获胜团队奖:全球排名前50位、

b) 全国获胜团队奖:全国前10名 (Division1, Division2)、

c) 区域获胜团队奖:区域前10名 (Division1, Division2)


[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q2]

Related to the historical development of understanding gravity, which is the proper chronological order for the work of these three scientists, from earliest to latest?

(A) Cavendish, Galileo, Newton
(B) Galileo, Cavendish, Newton
(C) Galileo, Newton, Cavendish
(D) Newton, Galileo, Cavendish
(E) Newton, Cavendish, Galileo

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q3]

An isolated solid metal sphere with a radius R is given a positive charge Q . The electric potential at the surface of the sphere is V . What is the electric potential at a distance of 0.5R from the center of the sphere?

(A) zero (B) 0.5 V (C) V (D) 2 V (E) 4 V

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q4]

Consider a situation where the acceleration of an object is always directed perpendicular to its velocity. This means that

(A) the object is increasing speed.
(B) the object is decreasing speed.
(C) the object is not moving.
(D) the object is turning.
(E) this situation would not be physically possible.

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q5]

The acceleration due to gravity on the Moon is less than the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth. Which of the following is true about the mass and weight of an astronaut on the Moon's surface, compared to Earth?

(A) Mass is less, weight is the same.
(B) Mass is the same, weight is less.
(C) Both mass and weight are less.
(D) Both mass and weight are the same.
(E) Mass is more, weight is less

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q6]

Which one of the following is not equivalent to 2.50 miles? (1.00 mi = 1.61 km = 5280 ft, 1.00 yd = 3.00 ft = 12.0 in.)

(A) 1.32×104 ft
(B) 1.58×105 in
(C) 4.02×103 km
(D) 4.40×103 yd
(E) 4.02×105 cm

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q7]

A 100 kg person travels from sea level to an altitude of 5000 m. By how many Newtons does their weight change?

(A) 0.8 N (B) 1.2 N (C) 1.6 N (D) 2.0 N (E) 2.4 N

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q8]

A candle, a converging lens and a white screen are placed in a line with the lens between the candle and the screen. A distance of 72 cm separates the candle and screen. As the lens is moved to all points between the candle and the screen, only one focused image of the candle can be made on the screen. What is the focal length of the converging lens?

(A) 12 cm
(B) 18 cm
(C) 24 cm
(D) 36 cm
(E) It cannot be determined without knowing the location of the lens when the focused image is produced.

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q9]

Standby power (sometimes called vampire power) is the power used by a device that is off but plugged in and in a standby mode. Regulations typically limit this power to 1 Watt. If electricity costs $ 0.10 per kilowatt hour, then to the nearest order of magnitude, and assuming 1 Watt, how much does it cost to leave a device in standby mode for one year?

(A) $ 0.01 (B) $ 0.01 (C) $ 1.00 (D) $ 10.00 (E) $ 100.00

[PhysicsBowl, 2019Q10]

A student generates a transverse periodic wave on a string. The wave travels away from the student at a constant speed v . Which of the following changes by itself will increase the speed at which the wave travels away from the student?

(A) The student could use the same string but increase the frequency at which they generate the wave.
(B) The student could use the same string but increase the wavelength of the waves they generate.
(C) The student could use the same string but increase the amplitude of the waves they generate.
(D) The student could use a string with the same length and tension, but greater linear density
(E) The student could use the same string, but placed under greater tension.



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