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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 11:30



热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 19:00

As I bid farewell with gentle steps, my voice whispers softly in the stillness,</ like the leaves that caress the ground in a silent farewell to summer's embrace (Very quietly I take my leave, As quietly as I came here;). The rosy hues of the western sky</, like a tender farewell note, are gently waved goodbye (Quietly I wave good-bye</), leaving behind only the memory of their beauty (To the rosy clouds in the western sky</).

The golden willows, silhouetted in the setting sun</, become a vision of love and longing, their reflections on the rippling water a cherished memory etched in the depths of my soul</ (Their reflections on the shimmering waves</, Always linger in the depth of my heart</). The floaters in the mire</, sway lazily</, tempting me to become a part of the tranquil riverbed (The floatingheart growing in the sludge</, Sways leisurely under the water</), where I would surrender to the embrace of the serene Cambridge waters</ (In the gentle waves of Cambridge</, I would be a water plant</).

The elm tree's shade</ conceals a hidden pool</, where dreams are dissolved into rainbow fragments</ (That pool under the shade of elm trees</, Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky</). Each ripple, a memory of the intangible dreams</ (Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds</, Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream</), that once danced in my imagination.

A quest for a deeper connection</ drives me to venture forth</, the long pole</ in hand, towards greener pastures (To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream</, To where the green grass is more verdant</). The boat, a vessel of starlight</, carries me through the night, echoing with the harmonies of stardust</ (Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight</, And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight</).

Yet, as I prepare to depart, my voice is hushed by the symphony of silence</ (But I cannot sing aloud</, Quietness is my farewell music</). Even the summer insects, sensing the solemnity</, join in the chorus of departure</ (Even summer insects help silence for me</, Silent is Cambridge tonight!</). In this whisper-quiet moment</, the essence of my love for this place</ (Not a single cloud, not a single sound</, I take with me</) is sealed in my heart (Not带走一片云彩</), a memory to cherish forever.

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