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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 01:12



热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:59

The METAPEX 糊剂 root tube seals the medicine preventing andcontrolling root tube treatment period acute disease the clinicalappraisal (Goal: The appraisal uses the METAPEX 糊剂 root tube to sealthe medicine preventing and controlling root tube treatment periodacute disease the clinical curative effect; Method: After the roottube preparation tests the group to use METAPEX to seal the medicine,the comparison group uses FC to seal the medicine, observes itsclinical acute disease to have the situation; Finally: Theexperimental group root tube treatment period acute disease occurrenceobviously is lower than the comparison group; Finally: The METAPEX糊剂 root tube title page medicine may reduce the root tubetreatment period acute disease the occurrence.)
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热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:59


热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:54

对照组:cotrol group
急症:acute illness

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:55


热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:59

METAPEX paste root in charge of copies of medicine prevent and cure root in charge of clinic of acute disease appraise during the treatment period: Appraise and adopt METAPEX paste root to in charge of a medicine to prevent and cure roots and is in charge of the clinical curative effect of acute disease during the treatment period; Method: The experiment group uses METAPEX to seal medicine after the root is in charge of preparing, the control group adopts FC to seal medicine, observes the situation takes place in its clinical acute disease; Result: The root of experiment group is in charge of during the treatment period the emergence of acute disease is obviously lower than the control group; Result: METAPEX paste root can reduce roots and is in charge of the emergence of acute disease during the treatment period to seal medicine when in charge of. )

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 21:01

The METAPEX 糊剂 root tube seals the medicine preventing andcontrolling root tube treatment period acute disease the clinicalappraisal (Goal: The appraisal uses the METAPEX 糊剂 root tube to sealthe medicine preventing and controlling root tube treatment periodacute disease the clinical curative effect; Method: After the roottube preparation tests the group to use METAPEX to seal the medicine,the comparison group uses FC to seal the medicine, observes itsclinical acute disease to have the situation; Finally: Theexperimental group root tube treatment period acute disease occurrenceobviously is lower than the comparison group; Finally: The METAPEX糊剂 root tube title page medicine may reduce the root tubetreatment period acute disease the occurrence.)
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热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 21:00

METAPEX paste root in charge of copies of medicine prevent and cure root in charge of clinic of acute disease appraise during the treatment period: Appraise and adopt METAPEX paste root to in charge of a medicine to prevent and cure roots and is in charge of the clinical curative effect of acute disease during the treatment period; Method: The experiment group uses METAPEX to seal medicine after the root is in charge of preparing, the control group adopts FC to seal medicine, observes the situation takes place in its clinical acute disease; Result: The root of experiment group is in charge of during the treatment period the emergence of acute disease is obviously lower than the control group; Result: METAPEX paste root can reduce roots and is in charge of the emergence of acute disease during the treatment period to seal medicine when in charge of. )

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 21:00

对照组:cotrol group
急症:acute illness

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:55


热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:54


热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:58

The METAPEX 糊剂 root tube seals the medicine preventing andcontrolling root tube treatment period acute disease the clinicalappraisal (Goal: The appraisal uses the METAPEX 糊剂 root tube to sealthe medicine preventing and controlling root tube treatment periodacute disease the clinical curative effect; Method: After the roottube preparation tests the group to use METAPEX to seal the medicine,the comparison group uses FC to seal the medicine, observes itsclinical acute disease to have the situation; Finally: Theexperimental group root tube treatment period acute disease occurrenceobviously is lower than the comparison group; Finally: The METAPEX糊剂 root tube title page medicine may reduce the root tubetreatment period acute disease the occurrence.)
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热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:55

METAPEX paste root in charge of copies of medicine prevent and cure root in charge of clinic of acute disease appraise during the treatment period: Appraise and adopt METAPEX paste root to in charge of a medicine to prevent and cure roots and is in charge of the clinical curative effect of acute disease during the treatment period; Method: The experiment group uses METAPEX to seal medicine after the root is in charge of preparing, the control group adopts FC to seal medicine, observes the situation takes place in its clinical acute disease; Result: The root of experiment group is in charge of during the treatment period the emergence of acute disease is obviously lower than the control group; Result: METAPEX paste root can reduce roots and is in charge of the emergence of acute disease during the treatment period to seal medicine when in charge of. )

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 21:02

对照组:cotrol group
急症:acute illness

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:58


热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 20:55

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