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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 03:06



热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 05:12

On the first day in the college, I was curious of everything. It seems all to be different from those in high school. For example, now we don't have classes from morning till night, and we can have a lot of activities to join in the university. It really relies on self-consciousness to study. There is no fixed seat in the class too. In general, everthing makes me interested in the university. I will enrich my university life. I already made a schedule for myself. Write down on my time list in details what to do the next day, and where to go for the subjects I'm going to listen to. including meeting time and venues. In addition, I also ask myself reading at least five books a month, do exercises and various sports as much as I can.
How about you? I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 05:05

The first day of the University, I feel very strange, everything is different from high school. University is not from morning to night, for example, have class. The university has a number of activities for us to participate in, all university relied consciously, the university is no fixed seat... In short, everything makes me feel very interesting, I will enrich my university life. I made a schedule for myself, every night will write second days to do things. For example, tomorrow morning to take on what class, where, in the afternoon a few meetings, time, place I will write clearly, and I also set myself a month at least 5 books, do sports and so on. And what about you?

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