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everyone in the world has one name at least…is a

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 07:13



热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 13:59

Everyone in the world has at least one name. And to each person his name is important because it is his
own.(自己的) You don't like it if people can't remember your name, or pronounce (发音) it wrong.
You are happy when you see your name in the newspaper or even on the blackboard. That's because it's
your own and only you can have it.
Of course, names are not important themselves. There are no"good" names or"bad" names, but they are
useful in our lives. You don't have to go around shouting "Hey, you!" or"Hello, girl with the red dress." or
"Thank you, man who lives at the end of the street." If you do, you are playing a trick on yourself.
A person's name means something. For example, John or Nathan means "present", James or Jacob means
"he follows after", Frank means"free", Charles means"strong", and Thomas is a word for"twin". Girl's name
means something, too. If you know a Mary or Miriam, her name means" star of the sea". Helen means "light",
Edith means"happiness", Rebecca means"very beautiful", and Rhoda means"a rose".
We need first names when we are at home, because it is not very often that sisters or brothers have the
same first name. But it's different when you go out to play or are at school. You may have a lot of Johns and
Davids and Sues. You may not know who is who. That's why we have last names, and really nicknames (绰号).

热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 13:55

Everyone in the world has at least one name. And to each person his name is important because it is his
own.(自己的) You don't like it if people can't remember your name, or pronounce (发音) it wrong.
You are happy when you see your name in the newspaper or even on the blackboard. That's because it's
your own and only you can have it.
Of course, names are not important themselves. There are no"good" names or"bad" names, but they are
useful in our lives. You don't have to go around shouting "Hey, you!" or"Hello, girl with the red dress." or
"Thank you, man who lives at the end of the street." If you do, you are playing a trick on yourself.
A person's name means something. For example, John or Nathan means "present", James or Jacob means
"he follows after", Frank means"free", Charles means"strong", and Thomas is a word for"twin". Girl's name
means something, too. If you know a Mary or Miriam, her name means" star of the sea". Helen means "light",
Edith means"happiness", Rebecca means"very beautiful", and Rhoda means"a rose".
We need first names when we are at home, because it is not very often that sisters or brothers have the
same first name. But it's different when you go out to play or are at school. You may have a lot of Johns and
Davids and Sues. You may not know who is who. That's why we have last names, and really nicknames (绰号).

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