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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-16 02:25



热心网友 时间:2024-08-02 02:54

Shenyang tourism administration opened the first tourist bus line.

The lines from liaoning start building, via the zhaoling of liaoning province, the government, tai qing palace, youth park site, air terminal Olympian center south gate, a total of 24 stand, the entire road about one hour and a half. It will appear in the northeast of the tourism fill blank.

ShouChe sightseeing bus at 7, at the end of the car, the car is about 20 to 30 minutes. Summer, travel and sightseeing bus will also opened overnight train, convenient for everyone to see the shen city common at night. In the design of the route, considering only the arrangement of the scenic spot, the operation lines into S form.

Sightseeing bus for double, phrases have 74 seats, closed 54 seats. And using GPS satellite positioning system, to realize the stops. Each vehicles are equipped with a, two MingDao crew. Car equipped with Chinese, English, German, Spanish, Russian and so on 8 countries speech synchronization system, can be simultaneous interpretation in-car play shenyang each big tourism landscape, human geography introduced such as content, to facilitate visitors from all over the world, fully understand the shenyang long history culture, accessible to visit shenyang.

People take tour buses tickets again each time 5 yuan (one effective), day tickets each time 10 yuan (available on the day), bus ordinary IC card 4.5 yuan each time, other IC card invalid, can brush to end of tube pass.

According to introduction shenyang tourism bureau, shenyang sightseeing bus there were three lines, July this year will be open "sightseeing 2 line", 2013 and will be open shenyang tourism bus "tourist line 3", and the specific lines are not finalised
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