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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-17 00:57



热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 05:30

Still In Love - Vanessa Williams

Ho oh oh, oh yeah yeah

Dun dun dara dara dara

Let me tell you about my

(Still in love)
Still in love

(So in love)

So in love with the world

You look so sorry, please tell me what's wrong

Just what are you thinking?

You look so forlorn

Maybe you're thinking that I have been untrue

So let me assure you and tell you the truth

I'm not one to fool around

The mistake that I made was not meant to hurt you

I needed somehow to try and find out

Have I really felt inside

And I know I'm

(Still in love)
I'm so

(Still in love)

Ooh I'm gonna be all you want me to be

'Cos I am
(Still in love)

Ooh yeah
(Still in love)

Oh I'm gonna do all you want me to do

Don't ask no questions won't tell you no lies

It's something that have been that I can't disguise

I needed somebody to take me away

From feelings of doubt which in my mind delay

But you've always been the one

And there are days when I know

when I should have told you

So don't make me cry 'cos I'm gonna try

To make you believe in me

And I know

(Still in love)

I know my baby

I'm gonna be all you want me to be

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Still in love

I'm gonna do all you want me to do, oh

(Still in love, still in love)
I'm in love
(Still in love, still in love)
So in love
(Still in love, still in love)

Yes you must be the one for me

(Yes you are the one for me)
'Cos as hard as I try

I just can't let you go

So now that you know

Baby don't go

'Cos you are just all that I need

And I know I'm

I'm so

Oh don't you know
I'm gonna be all you want me to be

(Still in love)

(Still in love)

I'm gonna do all you want me to do


(Still in love)

I'm so

(Still in love)

Oh I'm gonna be all the things

you want me to be

(Still in love)
Yes I'm still in love
An' with you I'm gonna do
all you want me to do

Oh oh
(Still in love)

Ooh I'm so much in I tell you

I'm gonna be all the things
you want me to be

(Still in love)

Whoa whoa

(Still in love)

Hey yeah

Oh do because you're on my soul

So let me tell you right now
(Still in love)
Oh I'm still in love with you

So so so in love with your world
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