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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-06 01:03



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 02:21

1. National is an adjective with multiple meanings, primarily referring to something related to a nation, state-owned, national-level, or ethnic.
2. As a noun, it can mean citizens, countrymen, or compatriots.
3. The word "national" is used in various contexts. It can describe something related to a nation or specific to a particular country. For example:
a. Describing a country's culture, economy, or political situation: "The government has implemented a new national policy to boost economic growth."
b. Referring to a person's nationality: "I am a British national."
4. Usage examples:
a. "Our newspaper is a national newspaper."
b. "He graduated from a national university."
c. "Sinochem is one of the four national oil companies in China."
d. "Almost all the countries have set up some barriers to protect national industries."

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 02:22

1. National is an adjective with multiple meanings, primarily referring to something related to a nation, state-owned, national-level, or ethnic.
2. As a noun, it can mean citizens, countrymen, or compatriots.
3. The word "national" is used in various contexts. It can describe something related to a nation or specific to a particular country. For example:
a. Describing a country's culture, economy, or political situation: "The government has implemented a new national policy to boost economic growth."
b. Referring to a person's nationality: "I am a British national."
4. Usage examples:
a. "Our newspaper is a national newspaper."
b. "He graduated from a national university."
c. "Sinochem is one of the four national oil companies in China."
d. "Almost all the countries have set up some barriers to protect national industries."
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