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在线跪求 高人英语翻译 要用到括号里的词 谢谢啊 在线等

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 09:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:53

1. Beijing is the capital of China with population of more than nine million.
2.Shanghai is the biggest city, as well as the centre for economy in China.
3.I would like to buy one house with garden.
4.Since he graated from university, he had set up his own company.
5. I did not pass/failed this exam, which made my dad really unhappy.

6. Auckland has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine

7. Except Lily and Jim, the rest of people went to the meeting.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:53

1、Beijing is the capital of CHina ,which has more than 9 million population。
2、Shanghai is the largest cith of China,as well as the centre for economic
3、I want buy a house with a garden
4、He has been formed his own company since he finished the university
5、I failed the exam this time,which made my father displeased
6、Auckland has a warm climate with plenty sunshine
7、Except lily and Jim,all the rest of them went to the conference


热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:54

1. Beijing is the Capital City of China, with over 9 million population.
2. Shanghai is the largest city as well as the centre for economy of China.
3. I want to buy a house with a garden.
4. He has opened up his own business/company since he graated from college.
5. I did not pass this exam, which making my dad really unhappy.
6. Oakland has really warm climate with sufficient sunshine.
7. Except for Lily and Jim, the rest of us/people went to the meeting.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:54

1、Beijing is the capital of China ,which population is more than 9 million 。
2、Shanghai is the largest city of China,as well as the centre of economy
3、I want to buy a house with a garden
4、He has set up his own company since he finished the university
5、I failed in the exam this time,which made my father unsatisfied6、Auckland has a warm climate with plenty of sunshine
7、Except lily and Jim,all the rest of people were present at the meeting。

热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 19:55

1、Beijing is the capital of CHina ,which has more than 9 million population。
2、Shanghai is the largest cith of China,as well as the centre for economic
3、I want buy a house with a garden
4、He has been formed his own company since he finished the university
5、I failed the exam this time,which made my father displeased
6、Auckland has a warm climate with plenty sunshine
7、Except lily and Jim,all the rest of them went to the conference
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