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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 08:46



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 10:00

Manager zhang: Hello! I'm writing to your advertisement for the position of assistant manager. I'm glad to know your website in the recruitment advertisement, and have been expected to have the chance to join your company. Two years ago I graated from capital economic and trade university professional international trade, ring the period of school has learned many professional knowledge, such as international trade, international trade practice, international business negotiations, international trade law, foreign economic and trade English courses. After graation, worked in a foreign trade company, engaged in marketing assistant job mainly is to assist manager to establish the work plan, responsible for the corresponding outreach efforts, and documents, file management. I have a certain management and planning skills, familiar with all kinds of office software, English proficiency, know little about the Japanese. I am convinced that can do your company manager assistant ty. Resume and related material photocopies, hope you can feel I is a contender to this position, and I hope to receive the interview notification as soon as possible. Thank you for reading this letter and consider my orders! This salute

热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 10:00

Manager zhang: Hello! I'm writing to your advertisement for the position of assistant manager. I'm glad to know your website in the recruitment advertisement, and have been expected to have the chance to join your company. Two years ago I graated from capital economic and trade university professional international trade, ring the period of school has learned many professional knowledge, such as international trade, international trade practice, international business negotiations, international trade law, foreign economic and trade English courses. After graation, worked in a foreign trade company, engaged in marketing assistant job mainly is to assist manager to establish the work plan, responsible for the corresponding outreach efforts, and documents, file management. I have a certain management and planning skills, familiar with all kinds of office software, English proficiency, know little about the Japanese. I am convinced that can do your company manager assistant ty. Resume and related material photocopies, hope you can feel I is a contender to this position, and I hope to receive the interview notification as soon as possible. Thank you for reading this letter and consider my orders! This salute! 谢谢采纳 祝你应聘成功
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