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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 09:33




My hometown, a village locating beside a small river, is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded. Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road, the whole village is poor and people’s lives are tough. Generally, people grow rice and some other...


In short, all of us had a happy winter holiday. 五年英语级作文:great,And you?New Year‘s Day is comeing.My favourite day of a year is New Year‘s Day,becuse I can eat lots of nice hot food and have a holiday. This year,I want to go to Beijing,because, there are a lot of ...


It was Mother’s Day. Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. After school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home. When he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he could...


My Weekend(我的周末)I like weekends, because I have no classes on the wekkend.On the weekend I usually play football in the park with my friends. Sometimes I go hiking with my father and mother. The weather report says it's going to rain this weekend, so I have to stay...


she always checks my homework.When I finish myhomework, she checks it and points out the mistakes.She is very careful and helpsme a lot.I love my mother.我有一个伟大的妈妈。她很关心我的学习生活。早上,她起得很早给我做早餐。当我还很小的时候,她帮我准备好书包。但是现在,她告...


I love my little rabbits, and they love me. They are my good friends forever有一天,我母亲为我买了两个小兔子。我非常高兴。从那时起,两个小兔子成了我的好朋友。他们有两个小耳朵,白色和脂肪布比红眼。他们是了不起的。每天,他们发挥彼此幸福。有一天,我找不到他们。我问我妈妈:“...


Dear Daming:Thanks for your last letter,you asked me what I did last week,well,from Monday to Friday I had class all day,then on Saturday,I went to the park ,I ate a lot of delicious food,and drank some coke,then in the afternoon,I played basketball with my friend,I ...


My life was a boring summer at home every day to prepare the next junior high school learning, and occasionally play with the computer while away their time every day to stay at home. I hate the summer remedial yes, the only fortunate that the holiday does not work. Not long...


I have a nice cat.It's a small one.It name is Mimi.I love it very much.It likes eating fish and milk.We often play together,it is my best friend.我有一只可爱的猫.这是一个小的.它叫咪咪.我非常爱它.它喜欢吃鱼和牛奶.我们经常一起去玩,它是我最好的朋友.

找五年级下册英语作文my dream house 30~50字就好了 急

My dream house is a villa which lies on the coast. There are two yards in the villa. The front yard is a garden with many beautiful flowers an plants for the four seasons. There is a swimming pool in the back yard, as my family are fond of swimming. On the first floor...

英语小作文50字带翻译五年级带图 英语小作文50字带翻译五年级上册 五年级英语小作文带翻译 英语小作文五年级上册带翻译 五年级英语小短文50字带翻译 五年级英语作文带翻译中文 五年级的英语作文带翻泽 五年级上册英语作文带翻译↗ 六年级英语小作文短篇带翻译
天龙屯堡古镇历代西南大开发 考中级都带什么计算器 考试不能用什么计算器 考试能带什么计算器 我的电脑网络是4M的给别人共用的,玩游戏,下载东西都挺快的!就是打开... 盒马怎么退款? 香蕉有12克,苹果比香蕉多1/4,苹果有多少千克? 为什么我家两兆网速 下载东西的时候有时会出现400KB/S 网通的 ...中,苹果比香蕉多二十五千克苹果比香蕉多4分之1。香蕉苹果各卖了多少... 我的迅雷平均速400多KB/s算快吗?最快能达到多少? ...尾很漂亮,像保时捷,写着很长的英文字母,c开头的,有谁能告诉我_百度... ...越野车样式.车尾是以英文C字母开头.请问是什么车啊,好像不是国内品... 我以前看到有一款黑色的跑车 ,因为没有看到正面 ,只看到车尾有一长串... 说说"闭关锁国" 政策的消极影响有哪些 闭关锁国政策影响 spring中需要掌握的25个常用注解 杭州到龙泉的客车有几班?价格是多少?杭州城内哪里有卖票的? 泰迪狗狗身上长红疙瘩像脓包不掉毛 杭州到安徽龙泉镇有没有车 在吗?我家狗狗是泰迪有大概3 4个月 在狗狗的背上有脓包,想问一下是 泰迪身上有很多脓包是什么症状 ...的汽车每天有多少班次?和发车的时间?票价?坐车需要多少时间... 泰迪身上有小脓包是怎么回事 长虹电视pf25800加负载以后负载泡有规律的一明一暗,换电源模块后电压稳... 蒜苔和什么食材一起炒菜味道一绝? 奶枣的正确做法是什么? 成人血压多少算正常? 84年的属鼠女和什么男人在一起才可以平安的度过一生 血压多少是正常??_百度拇指医生 84年女和80年男怎么一点都合不来呢? 有一种越野车,车尾标志是有几个字母组成 红色的" c...p..s"的字样... 五年级关于电脑的l00词英语小作文带汉语翻译 青山湖营业时间,杭州景区推荐青山湖 杭州临安最好玩的是哪? 谁知道行程开关怎么接 变压器配电柜中有接触器吗 四川师范大学研究生招收体育专业吗? 四川师范大学研究生好考吗?数学是不是热门?哪个专业好考一点?我是大专... 18k金千足金哪个好 18k金和足金的哪个好 18k金和千足金哪个贵 哪些是rna病毒 华为手机如何跳过qq登录的验证? 2020与行走大师类似的游戏推荐介绍_2020与行走大师类似的游戏推荐是什... 莫小七和路绮欧是一个人么? 路绮欧很出名吗 路绮欧刚开始为什么不在网上发布照片? 为什么歌手路绮欧网上没他的照片呢? 2020愚人节创意说说 4月1日愚人节最火说说 绿色社区意义