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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 01:43



热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 22:36

  下载地址 http://www.bjpoly.com/groovecoverage.mp3
  she hangs out every day near by the beach
  havin' a heineken fallin' asleep
  she looks so sexy when she's walking the sand
  nobody ever put a ring on her hand
  swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea
  she is the story the story is she
  she sings to the moon and the stars in the sky
  shining from high above you shouldn't ask why
  she is the one that you never forget
  she is the heaven-sent angel you met
  oh, she must be the reason why god made a girl
  she is so pretty all over the world
  she puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum
  she comes in the morning and the evening she's gone
  every little hour every second you live
  trust in eternity that's what she gives
  she looks like marilyn, walks like suzanne
  she talks like monica and marianne
  she wins in everything that she might do
  and she will respect you forever just you
  she is the one that you never forget
  she is the heaven-sent angel you met
  oh, she must be the reason why god made a girl
  she is so pretty all over the world
  she is so pretty all over the world
  she is so pretty
  she is like you and me
  like them like we
  she is in you and me
  she is the one that you never forget
  she is the heaven-sent angel you met
  oh, she must be the reason why god made a girl
  she is so pretty all over the world
  (she is the one) she is the one
  (that you never forget) that you never forget
  she is the heaven-sent angel you met
  she's the reason (oh she must be the reason) why god made a girl
  she is so pretty all over the world (oh...)

热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 22:41

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