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Miss Thinkalot的歌词是什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 05:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 23:34

Miss Thinkalot的歌词是:

In my room staring at the ceiling
Loneliness provokes so much feeling
Time doesn't stop I know it never will
But somehow I just can't figure this out
The outside world is all that beckons
But I'm stuck in here counting every second
What's in the past I should let it pass
But somehow I can't make this feeling end
Without moving out my bed
It's all just in my head
Can you just stop being so scared
Cause no one really cares
Oh it's all in my head
Driving me to death

Stupid thoughts I know I'll regret it
Wasting my day being so pathetic
Time doesn't stop it never will
But somehow I can make my whole world end
Without moving out my bed
It's all just in my head
Can you just stop being so scared
Cause no one really cares
Oh it's all in my head
Driving me to death
Driving me to death

In my dreams when hope is taken
Pretty moments capsulated
But I always try to contemplate the end
I'll never stop until
My conscience has been filled
My aching breaking brain is driving me insane
Without moving out my bed
It's all just in my head
Can you just stop being so scared
Cause no one really cares
Oh it's all in my head
Oh it's all in my head
Oh it's all in my head
Driving me to death

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