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...节约用电,请以Saving Electricity为题写一篇60词左右的英语...

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节约用电 英语 作文 篇一 Save electricity Electricity plays a very important role in our life today, we can not live without it. In our country, we have using it for about 50 years. But,we have to know,in the same time,a large part of it was wasted,it's polluted...


As students,we really should form the habit of saving electricity.It is good to the society and it is also a good way to make us better.Let's do it together!

初一英语作文急啊 关于节约用电,请以Saving Electricity为题写一 ...

1)电的重要性 Electricity plays a very important role in our daily life.2)如何节约用电 Firstly,… Secondly…,lastly…3)号召 If each of us tries our best to save electricity, we will make big difference.Let's take action right now....

英语作文:Save electricity

Develop the habit of saving electricity, energy value, energy savings, from ourselves and from now on. Let us all work together, the same as the value of life to cherish each unit of electricity, contribute to saving a power!我们每一名公民, 都应该从我做起, 主动节约用电。节约用...

帮忙写一篇60词左右的初一英语作文(节约用电 ,有提示)急!

to our planet.First,we can use the fan instead the air condictioner.Remember to turn off the light when you leave the room.Remember to save electricity everywhere then can have a beautiful planet.辛苦啊...我也是初一的..大家水平差不多...这样比较好嘛~~~分给我~~~I need them...


如何节约用电英语作文如下:With the growing awareness of environmental protection, saving electricity has become a social responsibility for everyone. As we all know, electricity is an essential energy source that powers our daily lives.and it is essential to use it efficiently and ...


1.Saving Electricity:Conserving electricity is an effective way to reduce energy consumption. We can turn off lights when not in use, unplug electronic devices, and use energy-efficient appliances. By adopting these habits, we not only save energy but also lower our electricity bills....


using the air-conditioner less often,turning off the light upon leaving,reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.As a saying puts," Actions speak louder than words",please join in the action to save electricity,from yourself,from now on.Action!


《节约用电》作文 篇1:To save electricity, we should always turn off appliances when not in use. This simple habit helps us conserve energy and reduce our electric bills. Remember, every little effort counts in making our planet greener.中文翻译:要节约用电,我们应该在不使用时随手...


cut. Our work is interrupted frequently and we have to do things by the light of candles, which is harmful to our eyes. At home, we have to stay in the darkness doing nothing in the evening. So everyone in our neighbourhood shall not neglect this solution--saving electricity....

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