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以“An amazing animal"为题,写一篇60字左右的短文。单词是初一学过的...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 05:10



以“An amazing animal"为题,写一篇60字左右的短文。单词是初一学过的...

Camel is an amazing animal. It can go without water for long time.It store food in hump,and can change the food into flat when necessary. It is strange that it doesn't store the fat all over its body just in its hump. In addition,it lives in the desert and don't want...

请以An amazing me为题写一篇不少于80个单词的文章

An amazing animal Camel is an amazing animal. It can go without water for long time.It store food in hump,and can change the food into flat when necessary. It is strange that it doesn't store the fat all over its body just in its hump. In addition,it lives in the...

写一篇an animal volunteer英语作文

An amazing animal Camel is an amazing animal.It can go without water for long time.It store food in hump,and can change the food into flat when necessary.It is strange that it doesn't store the fat all over its body just in its hump.In addition,it lives in the desert an...

急需关于"amazing animal"的英文介绍

An amazing animal Camel is an amazing animal. It can go without water for long time.It store food in hump,and can change the food into flat when necessary. It is strange that it doesn't store the fat all over its body just in its hump. In addition,it lives in the deser...

an amazing animal

The panda is a rare and cute animal. It lives in the dense bamboo forest in China and loves to eat bamboo. It's black and white and is the emblem for WWF.The cat is a swift and agile domestic animal. It was once worshipped as gods in Egypt.The dog is often called ...

初一水平,英语作文 :Amazing things

first off a string from the tree, and then put the banana yellow in your mouth, slowly. Strange is: elephants are noses, how I wished to drink water at once an elephant!like elephants, more like nature, I hope to remain forever in the nature of beauty in the world. 在...

an amazing animal

AN AMAZING ANIMAL I think a hamster(仓鼠)is an amazing animal,because they are very quite.they are swimming everyday.And I have a hamster. Every moring,they are swimming in a boal.How an amazing animal is!I like them very much,and they give a lot of happy.I have fun...

The Amazing Things I Know和Pandas are in danger各为题写一篇英语作文...

The world is full of amazing things. Today, I'm going to talk about something amazing.We have lots of things to do every day, so many of us will be tired after a busy day. They all choose sleeping to have a rest. But it's surprising to know that sleeping can consume ...

以Amazing things为题写篇作文。。60字!

everytime that someting happened aroud us,unbelievable things,amazing things.I heard a things that a man in Henan loved eating glass as snacks since he got the ill at the years of ten.It is hard to imagine how he did it.He kept doing that for many years and died at the...

My favourite animal is the black mamba为题写一篇英语作文,简单点的...

animal is the Black Mamba, the snake is the most unique, is its mouth inside is black, In Africa, the Black Mamba is the most legendary and the most feared snakes, not only has a large and powerful body, deadly poison, more terrible is that its aggressive and amazing ...

amazing的中文 amazing grace歌词 amazing的动词 amazing china amazing grace animal farm amazing用法 amazing甜甜 amazing 英语
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