学校简介 大约1000字, 中翻英 急要,不要机器翻的。有愿意帮助的人留言...
发布时间:2024-09-29 14:59
The school has a total value of 20.54 million facility, include modern computer training center, mechanical and electrical integration training base, electronic practice base, electrical operation and control of the training base and so on.The school has electromechanical application,numerical control technology application, electronic technology application, electrical operation and control, communication technology, computer application, computer network technology, computer animation and game production and e-commerce,and electrical technology application, electronic technology applications and computer network technology is a new round of provincial demonstrative specialty, computer application and mechanical and electrical technology application are provincial brand professional, electronic technology applications and mechanical and electrical technology application are the provincial curriculum reform experimental site , the school is the provincial curriculum reform school.
学校简介 大约1000字, 中翻英 急要,不要机器翻的。有愿意帮助的人留言...
electronic technology applications and mechanical and electrical technology application are the provincial curriculum reform experimental site , the school is the provincial curriculum reform school.
由于TESOL证书的学习重点不同,其与传统的英语考级进行直接比较是有一定困难的。然而,一些专业人士将TESOL证书与英语考级中的高级水平,如C1或C2级别,相媲美。具体来说,根据学习重点和课程设置的不同,TESOL证书可以被看作是以下几个级别:* TESOL少儿级别:相当于大学英语四六级的水平。* TESOL高级级别:相当于专业英语八级或者雅思六分的英语水平。需要注意的是,这些比较是出于参考的目的,并且每个考试的考察范围和难度可能会有所不同。因此,并不能精确地将TESOL证书与英语等级对应起来。此外,需要注意的是,虽然TESOL证书本身并没有明确…TESOL是国际英语教师资格证,是一项资格证明证书。它是全球通用、国际认可的证书。在150多个国家及地区,8000多所学校认可TESOL证书。而英语等级的考试是测试一个人英语水平高低的考试,所以这两个是完全不一样的。报考TESOL需要有一定的英语水...
来篇作文 《 我们爱科学》1000字左右 要不重复的 独创的啊 100分 1...
成品纸,一个有点尴尬,有点不好意思的笑容回到座位上,暗暗自责。 同桌,我没事。其实,这句话就足够了,至少我有点自卑安慰。曾经听说过一句话,只要我站在舞台上,即使只有一个人愿意看我表演的观众,我会继续。也许我是没有那么大,因为我担心的结果,我要得到多数人的支持。然而,这种决心也非常感人,有时一点点的...
Our factory has arranged to start the moldmaking。 Your company's delay in time led to the increase of our moldmaking cost: 1,The raw material price of moldmaking has risen by 10%;2,Because the changes in the drawing paper make a higher difficulty of making molds,the ...
帮忙翻译一下 谢谢 不要机器翻的
5.他沉迷于网络游戏,没有意识到这对学习上产生的负面效果(hooked,aware)He is hooked by the computer games, not aware of the negative effects on his study.6.在这家店可以买到各种各样的茶叶,所以这家店受到游客们的亲眯(available,popular)All kinds of tea leaves are available in this...
幸运的是,几乎没有人在车祸中受伤.英语翻译 谢谢 不要机器翻
Fortunately, very few people got injured in the car accident.
as he prays in his heart uneasily: Heaven blesses me. Before the next stop is arrived, please do not let the owner notices that the wallet is gone...In just a while, a woman's voice comes from the front, "My wallet was in the bag just a while ago!..." Her pitch ...
最近,我的大楼门卡突然不能用了,同时还发现原来我大楼的钥匙也不能用。(我和我室友的钥匙都不能打开大楼的前后门)。这个问题该如何解决? 同时,我们的租期快到了吧。我们打算续租到明年二月十四号左右,不知是否可行。Hi, Dear Recently, my door card of the building could not be used ...