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But the problem now is that these new words have not been proved to be able to stand the test of time . Have they been widely used ago? 对不起,字数受限But the problem now is that these new words have not been proved to be able to stand the test of time . Have they been widely used ago? 对不起,字数受限
求以下这句话最准确最地道的英文翻译!回答得好的加分~请务必采用意译的...Well, What do you think of the new words? How do you treat them? And, how can you tell them vulgar or not?
求以下这句话最准确最地道的英文翻译!回答得好的加分~请务必采用意译的...If the prerequisite is the civilized newborn glossary (New words)
急!!跪求以下这段话的准确英文翻译!翻译得好的给加分(不要机器翻译...but no more greetings; we have a faster means of transport, but rarely leaves home to see what the mother under the lone figure; laments that we can satellite sent up to the moon,
求大神翻译这段新保时捷Panamera广告的前面的配音!急求!appearance. 更多的智能功能,还有引领潮流的外观 Because life is not about compromises, but about thrilling contradictions. 因为生活不应被妥协充斥,而应该充满激情的对立。 【这句不知道怎么翻译比较好,原话是 生活不是关于妥协的,是关于惊险的矛盾 的】The new Panamera. 全新的panamera。
求此文章的英文翻译,要自己翻译的,要准确Emmanuel Yarborough,47岁,是一名业余相扑摔跤选手。但是他可能在体重领域是南玻万!根据吉尼斯世界纪录,Emmanuel Yarborough,身高6.8英尺,体重704磅。他是世界上最重的运动员。这是他自2001年获得的荣誉。虽然他因为据他的体格而出名、但是他还有一段减肥旅程。42岁时,他被告知如果他不减肥的话他将...
请哪位高手帮我翻译一下这段英文,谢谢!!!You're swaying in your perch,你在那树端高处摇曳 nearly falling down,with subtle wind.几乎要随悄然微风飘荡而落 Longing to tell the sincerest words,渴望着要诉出我最真挚的话语 but words itself seem to be blank and fragile.但这语言本身却...
中文翻译成英文I don’t know how to describe her. She is a bit bad, yet a bit refreshing and pretty, a bit literate too. She likes to wakeup early in the morning and turn on the TV to watch百家讲坛(怎么翻译你自己看吧), she doesn’t like to put on shower lotion when she takes a ...
谁是第一个把英文翻译成中文的人二、隋-唐-宋时代 从隋代(公元五九0年)到唐代,这段时间是我国翻译事业高度发达时期。隋代历史较短,译者和译作都很少。比较有名的翻译家有释彦琮(俗姓李,赵郡柏人)。他是译经史上第一位中国僧人。一生翻译了佛经23部100余卷。彦琮在他撰写的《辨证论》中总结翻译经验,提出了作好佛经翻译的八项条件:1)诚心受...