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这个英文歌叫什么名字,女生唱的歌词里有waiting for change don't be...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 09:59



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 13:25

I'll Find A Way -- Biandy
Somedays i wonder why
Excuse me that i'm not by your side
I am going to try to find a way
to get to you tonight
I have a place for you inside
My heart is a room for you to hide
Cause nobody knows you like i do
Can you feel me reaching up
Can you hear me now
I'll keep you warm
When the world is broken with all of turn
and your dreams left in the rain
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
I'll find a way
Cheat to yesterday
Your epeat the path waiting for change
Even you cold and empty inside
You lost in the night
But i'll be your day
I'll bring the light
Piece so fus you have to be hide
Cause i'll take you home tonight
Can you feel me reaching up
Give my heart give me now
My heart beats for you
When the world is broken with all of turn
And your dream is left in the rain
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
Even if too but far into mars
and the sky is up high degree
Even if stars disappear
I'll find a way
I'll find a way
Everyone falls i am here for you
I show you the way
If you need to get through when it gets tough
And that is enough
and it's all you can do
When the world is broken with all of turn
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
If you need me know that i will
When the world is broken with all of turn
and your dream left in the rain
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
Even if too but far into mars
and the sky is up high degree
Even when stars disappear
I'll find a way
I'll find a way

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 13:22

I'll Find A Way -- Biandy
Somedays i wonder why
Excuse me that i'm not by your side
I am going to try to find a way
to get to you tonight
I have a place for you inside
My heart is a room for you to hide
Cause nobody knows you like i do
Can you feel me reaching up
Can you hear me now
I'll keep you warm
When the world is broken with all of turn
and your dreams left in the rain
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
I'll find a way
Cheat to yesterday
Your epeat the path waiting for change
Even you cold and empty inside
You lost in the night
But i'll be your day
I'll bring the light
Piece so fus you have to be hide
Cause i'll take you home tonight
Can you feel me reaching up
Give my heart give me now
My heart beats for you
When the world is broken with all of turn
And your dream is left in the rain
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
Even if too but far into mars
and the sky is up high degree
Even if stars disappear
I'll find a way
I'll find a way
Everyone falls i am here for you
I show you the way
If you need to get through when it gets tough
And that is enough
and it's all you can do
When the world is broken with all of turn
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
If you need me know that i will
When the world is broken with all of turn
and your dream left in the rain
Even if you failed just give up
I'll find a way
Even if too but far into mars
and the sky is up high degree
Even when stars disappear
I'll find a way
I'll find a way
...开了一个小口有一点肉出来了触角也是,怎么碰都不缩回去,是死了吗 盗窃罪的可以免于刑事处罚吗 镇江新区森宇智能安防工程有限公司怎么样? 无锡聚瑞隆包装有限公司怎么样? 昆山科正荣电子材料有限公司怎么样? 无锡正荣钢铁贸易有限公司怎么样? 东莞市正荣数控刀具有限公司怎么样 IDEA的Web项目启动Tomcat出现404错误 男友刚刚说我们性格不合分手了,看到他刚刚在微信朋友圈发的说说 ...原因说性格不合,很难接受我冲动起来就把他微信关了,现在 早上醒来手脚麻是怎么回事? 梦见路上有很多水,水中有一条死了的狗,而且死狗是用袋子装着的,就露出... 我想知道一首英文歌是男女一起常也不知道是就女的唱的,歌名里有个rai... 最近每天早上起床,脚落地的那一瞬间脚趾头针扎一样麻,一下子又没有了... 快到早上的时候醒了脚老是麻住了,动都动不了,是怎么回事? 创维机顶盒无线网络怎么开启? 早上起床脚为什么会麻 微信支付可以改收款金额么? 两个多月的宝宝两天没有拉屎怎么办? 数码相机向计算机传照片可以用复制粘贴吗?对相机有损害吗? ...a的三次方+b的三次方+c的三次方=0,求证abc=0。 ...三条边abc满足等式a的三次方+b的三次方+c的三次方=3abc,请确定三角... ...b、c。使得a的三次方加b的三次方等于c的三次方! (-a的平方b的三次方c的4次方)(-x的平方a的平方b)的三次方解法 ...求a的3次方加b的3次方加c的三次方恒大于某个数。用a。 b... 已知a的三次方+b的三次方+c的三次方=a的平方+b的平方+c的平方=a+b+c... 证当a的三次方+b的三次方=c的三次方时,三角形abc的形状 现在哪款手机是不发热的,我现在用的三星NOTE3,频繁发热,非常烫,想换... 没用几月的三星note3. 今天就出现 手机发热 耗电量速速的情况 ,这是怎... 我的三星note3这阵子持续发热 就是我不玩游戏 避免少持续用手机的频繁操... 一首好听的英文歌不知道歌曲名、刚开始是一个打蕾声中途好像在打电话... 梦见路上有死人用白布包着,旁边有快干了的血,像是车祸不过没有看见车... 求一首英文歌,开头是男女对白,对白的结尾女的笑了,后面是男的唱的... 三打祝家庄的李应上梁山入伙 电脑usb接口没反应是什么原因? 梦见杀死拦路狗友将狗仍水里:昨晚梦见一条路上有三只狗、拼排拴的,两 ... 电脑USB插上没反应,怎么办? usb接口没反应怎么解决啊!? 电脑的usb接口没反应 《诉衷情·莺语》的作者是谁?又该如何鉴赏呢? 梦见去世老公拿女儿奖状回来 TCL电视请输入进入诊断密码 tcl电视看电影时为什么要求输入消费密码 胸外心脏挤压的方法 急求四姐妹网名! 胸外心脏挤压的注意事项 俺家螃蟹脱壳了,咋回事?老爹老娘说死了 时光如梦,人生如歌 磨刀河村人文地理 我是山西省运城市盐湖区东郭镇磨河村村民,修古盐道路在原路下降一米...