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谁能帮我翻译下麦当娜的La Isla Bonita的歌词!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 04:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 11:03

昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗 last night i dreamt of san pedro,
就像我从未离去, just like i'd never gone,i knew the song.
我熟悉这首歌。 a young girl with eyes like the desert,
姑娘眼中喜欢这荒凉, it all seems like yesterday not far away.
一切并不遥远往事如昨。 tropical the island breeze,
岛上飘着热带微风, all of nature wild and free.
自然景色热烈又郁葱。 this is where i long to be,
多么美丽的海岛, la isla bonita,
我梦中向往的地方。 and when the samba played,
听,桑巴乐又奏响, the sun would set so high,
天上艳阳高照, ring through my ears and sting my eyes,
耳边乐曲潺潺, your spanish lullaby.
令我头晕目眩。 i fell in love with san pedro,
圣彼得罗我迷恋的地方, warm wind carried on the sea he called to me
暖风吹过海面, tedisote amo
他在把我召唤, i prayed that the days
日月如梭, would last they went so fast.
祈望时光不再流逝。 tropical the island breeze,
岛上飘着热带微风, all of nature wild and free.
自然景色热烈又郁葱。 this is where i long to be,
多么美丽的海岛, la isla bonita,
我梦中向往的地方, and when the samba played.
听,桑巴乐又奏响, the sun would set so high,
天上艳阳高照, ring through my ears and sting my eyes,
耳边乐曲潺潺, your spanish lullaby.
令我头晕目眩。 i went to be where the sun warms the sky,
我要飞上阳光灿烂的天空 when it's time for siesta
当人们都在休息的时侯, you can watch them go by.
看到情侣走过, beautiful faces no cares in this world,
那是人们无心关注的场所 where a girl loves a boy
那是男女彼此相爱的地方 and a boy loves a girl.
昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗, last night i dreamt of san pedro,
一切并不遥远往事如昨 it all seems like yesterday not far away
岛上飘着热带微风, tropical the island breeze,
自然景色热烈又郁葱。 all of nature wild and free.
多么美丽的海岛, this is where i long to be,
我梦中向往的地方, la isla bonita,
听,桑巴乐又奏响, and when the samba played,
天上艳阳高照, the sun would set so high
耳边乐曲潺潺, ring through my ears and sting my eyes,
令我头晕目眩。 your spanish lullaby...

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 11:05

昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗 last night i dreamt of san pedro,
就像我从未离去, just like i'd never gone,i knew the song.
我熟悉这首歌。 a young girl with eyes like the desert,
姑娘眼中喜欢这荒凉, it all seems like yesterday not far away.
一切并不遥远往事如昨。 tropical the island breeze,
岛上飘着热带微风, all of nature wild and free.
自然景色热烈又郁葱。 this is where i long to be,
多么美丽的海岛, la isla bonita,
我梦中向往的地方。 and when the samba played,
听,桑巴乐又奏响, the sun would set so high,
天上艳阳高照, ring through my ears and sting my eyes,
耳边乐曲潺潺, your spanish lullaby.
令我头晕目眩。 i fell in love with san pedro,
圣彼得罗我迷恋的地方, warm wind carried on the sea he called to me
暖风吹过海面, tedisote amo
他在把我召唤, i prayed that the days
日月如梭, would last they went so fast.
祈望时光不再流逝。 tropical the island breeze,
岛上飘着热带微风, all of nature wild and free.
自然景色热烈又郁葱。 this is where i long to be,
多么美丽的海岛, la isla bonita,
我梦中向往的地方, and when the samba played.
听,桑巴乐又奏响, the sun would set so high,
天上艳阳高照, ring through my ears and sting my eyes,
耳边乐曲潺潺, your spanish lullaby.
令我头晕目眩。 i went to be where the sun warms the sky,
我要飞上阳光灿烂的天空 when it's time for siesta
当人们都在休息的时侯, you can watch them go by.
看到情侣走过, beautiful faces no cares in this world,
那是人们无心关注的场所 where a girl loves a boy
那是男女彼此相爱的地方 and a boy loves a girl.
昨夜我梦见圣彼得罗, last night i dreamt of san pedro,
一切并不遥远往事如昨 it all seems like yesterday not far away
岛上飘着热带微风, tropical the island breeze,
自然景色热烈又郁葱。 all of nature wild and free.
多么美丽的海岛, this is where i long to be,
我梦中向往的地方, la isla bonita,
听,桑巴乐又奏响, and when the samba played,
天上艳阳高照, the sun would set so high
耳边乐曲潺潺, ring through my ears and sting my eyes,
令我头晕目眩。 your spanish lullaby...
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