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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 03:47



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 06:07

2014 I became a college student, enjoy college life, and found a lot of college and high school differences and similarities. First, in high school, parents and teachers will force you to learn while in college nobody will force you to learn, to learn self-study. Secondly, all together in a classroom at the high school class, a class in class, while in college, everyone's course schedule is different, so everyone according to their curriculum to different classrooms, so that you can recognize the different lines students, help friends. Finally, in high school, a small dating range, while at the university, in addition to the same line of thought that students participate in community activities, you can know a lot of other fellow students. University and high school, there are many similarities. First, we are students, we must learn. Second, the same examinations, then the results. Finally, we have a goal in high school, the goal is to learn admitted to a good university, the University, the goal is to find a good job after graduation to learn successfully.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 06:01

In 2014 I became a college, University and enjoy life, discover the difference between the many university and high school and commonpoint. First of all, in the high school, parents and teachers will make you learn in the University, and no one will force you to learn, learn toindependent learning. Secondly, in high school, with classes in aclassroom with a class, while in the University, everyone's schedules are not the same, so everyone according to his curriculum to a different classroom, it can recognize different students, to help friends. Finally, in the high school, friends, and at the University, in addition to a student to think, to participate in community activities, you can know a lot of otherstudents. University and high school have a lot in common. First, we are students, to learn. Second, the same test, then the results. Finally, wehave a goal, in high school, the goal is Study hard on the last gooduniversity, in the University's goal is to Study hard, smooth after graduation to find a good job.
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