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翻译 英语牛人进~

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 03:56



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:29

Science and bold decision-making Microsoft one after another on risk investment and corporate acquisitions classic case of the field, and Microsoft Corp. It is also to help hotmail by registered users and the rapid growth of the business, so that's of their own www. msn.com Web site, it became the largest global registered users and the most visited Web site in lieu of one of the three. Microsoft once again when the liff of the largest of living.

Gates create a passion for the staff working for the cultural atmosphere of every member have a strong sense of mission, but the mission is only for staff display more enthusiasm to work for their own services, they rely on to inspire staff and help determine the direction of research.

Walk in front of others is the secret of success of Gates, Microsoft's continued leadership is the secret. In this world, there are many who believe that only with the depth of expertise required to undertake entrepreneurship, however, the history of the world shows that innovation: first a depth of expertise to engage in invention and innovation not many people. The cause of a lot of achievements, and that they are not in the knowledge, directly at the target, and then in the process of creation, in accordance with the needs of additional knowledge. Gates graated from Harvard did not go to business, if he wait until all of the knowledge End founder of Microsoft again, he will become the world's richest man?

感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Science and bold decision-making Microsoft one after another on risk investment and corporate acquisitions classic case of the field, and Microsoft Corp. It is also to help hotmail by registered users and the rapid growth of the business, so that's of their own www. msn.com Web site, it became the largest global registered users and the most visited Web site in lieu of one of the three. Microsoft once again when the liff of the largest of living. <br> <br> <br> Gates create a passion for the staff working for the cultural atmosphere of every member have a strong sense of mission, but the mission is only for staff display more enthusiasm to work for their own services, they rely on to inspire staff and help determine the direction of research. <br> <br> Walk in front of others is the secret of success of Gates, Microsoft's continued leadership is the secret. In this world, there are many who believe that only with the depth of expertise required to undertake entrepreneurship, however, the history of the world shows that innovation: first a depth of expertise to engage in invention and innovation not many people. The cause of a lot of achievements, and that they are not in the knowledge, directly at the target, and then in the process of creation, in accordance with the needs of additional knowledge. Gates graated from Harvard did not go to business, if he wait until all of the knowledge End founder of Microsoft again, he will become the world's richest man?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:30

Science and bold decision-making Microsoft one after another on risk investment and corporate acquisitions classic case of the field, and Microsoft Corp. It is also to help hotmail by registered users and the rapid growth of the business, so that's of their own www. msn.com Web site, it became the largest global registered users and the most visited Web site in lieu of one of the three. Microsoft once again when the liff of the largest of living.

Gates create a passion for the staff working for the cultural atmosphere of every member have a strong sense of mission, but the mission is only for staff display more enthusiasm to work for their own services, they rely on to inspire staff and help determine the direction of research.

Walk in front of others is the secret of success of Gates, Microsoft's continued leadership is the secret. In this world, there are many who believe that only with the depth of expertise required to undertake entrepreneurship, however, the history of the world shows that innovation: first a depth of expertise to engage in invention and innovation not many people. The cause of a lot of achievements, and that they are not in the knowledge, directly at the target, and then in the process of creation, in accordance with the needs of additional knowledge. Gates graated from Harvard did not go to business, if he wait until all of the knowledge End founder of Microsoft again, he will become the world's richest man?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 14:30

Science and bold decision-making Microsoft one after another on risk investment and corporate acquisitions classic case of the field, and Microsoft Corp. It is also to help hotmail by registered users and the rapid growth of the business, so that's of their own www. msn.com Web site, it became the largest global registered users and the most visited Web site in lieu of one of the three. Microsoft once again when the liff of the largest of living.

Gates create a passion for the staff working for the cultural atmosphere of every member have a strong sense of mission, but the mission is only for staff display more enthusiasm to work for their own services, they rely on to inspire staff and help determine the direction of research.

Walk in front of others is the secret of success of Gates, Microsoft's continued leadership is the secret. In this world, there are many who believe that only with the depth of expertise required to undertake entrepreneurship, however, the history of the world shows that innovation: first a depth of expertise to engage in invention and innovation not many people. The cause of a lot of achievements, and that they are not in the knowledge, directly at the target, and then in the process of creation, in accordance with the needs of additional knowledge. Gates graated from Harvard did not go to business, if he wait until all of the knowledge End founder of Microsoft again, he will become the world's richest man?
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