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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 10:44



热心网友 时间:2024-11-01 14:34

Abstract: with the real estate market continues to develop, competition among real estate companies have become more intense competition from the focus of the early price, quality, scale, site and function graally shifted to brand competition. With the constant changes in national policies, on the one hand tight "monetary conditions", "the root" of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises limit access to land access to finance, the other hand increase revenue, rece the profitability of the real estate business space. Large real estate companies also rely on its brand strengths to further expansion, compression small and medium-sized real estate enterprises survive. In the cracks in the survival of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises, has reached a "life or death" engraved. It is against this background, this brand of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises the implementation of the strategy were studied.
This paper is divided into five parts:
The first part is mainly research background, at home and abroad on the status and significance of the study, pointed out that the implementation of brand strategy is an inevitable choice for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises.
Summary of the second chapter of the theory, expounded the concept of brand and establish, development and management aspects of theoretical knowledge, this study provides a theoretical basis.
The third part of the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises and brand development of the implementation of the strategy for the status quo, which found that small and medium-sized real estate enterprises, the issue of brand strategy.
Fourth on the first part of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises, the need for brand strategy and how the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises specific implementation of brand strategy launched a study last theory with reality on the Shengzhou Yan real estate companies, the implementation of brand strategy , And its research and analysis.
Part V of the full text of a summary, by the limitations of the papers and on this basis for the future.
In this paper, the innovation lies in a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in the implementation of brand strategy by the existing problems, and through the use of SWOT analysis and market segmentation, such as the correct method of implementation of brand strategy.
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