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求英文高手,帮忙翻译一下 论文摘要

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 10:44



热心网友 时间:2024-09-26 15:48

Small and medium-sized enterprise network security management problems and countermeasures
With the advent of the information age, the small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with the challenge of network information age, the small and medium-sized enterprises and the larger enterprise organization, the wider use of information network began to improve their management means the competitiveness. Network management can effectively improve the operational efficiency of the small and medium-sized enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprise can grow faster. But in these interests, network security issues are affecting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. For the vast majority of Chinese enterprises of small and medium-sized enterprises, network security management problems also appears more important. Therefore, with the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises informatization network management has become the urgent matter, this paper from small and medium-sized enterprise informationization network construction, trend, necessity, resulting in the information network security management, expounds the problems of small and medium-sized enterprises of network security management development strategy and the implementation methods. Network security management in management, management of the key technology, with auxiliary management can overcome the network security management in the various problems.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-26 15:48

With the advent of the information age, the small and medium-sized enterprises are faced with the challenge of network information age, the small and medium-sized enterprises and the larger enterprise organization, the wider use of information network began to improve their management means the competitiveness. Network management can effectively improve the operational efficiency of the small and medium-sized enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprise can grow faster. But in these interests, network security issues are affecting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. For the vast majority of Chinese enterprises of small and medium-sized enterprises, network security management problems also appears more important. Therefore, with the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises informatization network management has become the urgent matter, this paper from small and medium-sized enterprise informationization network construction, trend, necessity, resulting in the information network security management, expounds the problems of small and medium-sized enterprises of network security management development strategy and the implementation methods. Network security management in management, management of the key technology, with auxiliary management can overcome the network security management in the various problems.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-26 15:49

SME Network Security Management and Measures
With the information age, our small and medium enterprises facing the challenges of Information Age, today's SMEs and larger companies organizations, have begun extensive use of information technology to upgrade its network management tools competitiveness. Network management can improve the operational efficiency of SMEs so that SMEs can grow faster. However, access to these interests, network security issues are also affecting the process of SME development. China accounted for the vast majority of small and medium enterprises, network security management has become more important outstanding issues. Therefore, the realization of the characteristics of SMEs in their own information network management has become an imperative, for this information from the network of SME building status, trends, need to start, come out of the resulting information network management network security , described the development of SMEs in network security management strategy and implementation. Critical in the management of network security management, management in place, with the technical assistance management will be able to overcome the existing network security management problems.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-26 15:50

SME Network Security Management and Measures
With the information age, our small and medium enterprises facing the challenges of Information Age, today's SMEs and larger companies organizations, are beginning to use a wide range of network management information to enhance their competitiveness means. Network management can improve the operational efficiency of SMEs so that SMEs can grow faster. However, access to these interests, network security issues are also affecting the process of SME development. China accounted for the vast majority of small and medium enterprises, network security management has become more important outstanding issues. Therefore, the realization of the characteristics of SMEs in their own information network management has become an imperative, for this information from the network of SME building status, trends, need to start, come out of the resulting information network management network security , described the development of SMEs in network security management strategy and implementation. Critical in the management of network security management, management in place, with the technical assistance network security management can overcome the problems existing in the management.

Keywords: network security information security management for SMEs

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