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...写一篇题为“The importance of communication”的稿件,描述下面...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 16:40



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 12:22

The importance of communication
We can see from the picture that just beside the door, two men are holding a heavy box. They are very tired, with sweat pouring down from their faces. Though each of them makes great efforts to move the box, it still stays at the same place, for they have opposite opinions in their minds. One thinks that it should be carried out of the room, while the other considers that it should be carried in.
If they share their opinions, they can reach an agreement and work together to move the box much more easily and save a lot of time and energy. The problem is common among us teenagers………………………………………………(略)
So good communication is the first step towards effective work.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 12:16

The Importance of Effective Communication
If you cannot talk to others or even cannot convert information to others, how is our life going to be? People are unable to work without communication and, of course, communication is obviously significant in all parts of society. By evaluating whether the communication is effective or not, the shorter and simpler the methods are, the more and detailed the information converted to others, is the point that how it can be seem as fast and useful. Daily work can be finished faster, Relationships can be treated honesty, and less time will be wasted by communicating to others effectively. Looking back the to society which only used letters and horses to send messages before, and nowadays countless information fly to every corner in the world within just a second, which produces more improvements? Definitely, it is efficiency.
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