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酷狗上名为《忧伤的非主流英文歌曲》的歌名和歌词拜托各位了 3Q

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 23:44



热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 17:59

Craigie Hill --- (歌词大意)cara dillon It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing Down by yon shady arbour I carelessly did stray The thrushes they were warbling, the violets they were charming To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay 那个鸟儿欢跃的春季 沿着绿荫下的凉亭,我迷失了方向 娇媚的紫罗兰引来画眉清吟 情侣们的低语使我停下脚步 She said, my dear don't leave me all for another season Though fortune does be pleasing I'll go along with you I'll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation And to the bonny Bann banks forever I'll bid adieu 她说:亲爱的,不要留下我一人 财富和安逸也不能让我离开你 我愿放弃一切,甚至是神灵的祝愿 我们永远都不说再见 He said, my dear don't grieve or yet annoy my patience You know I love you dearly a more I'm going away I'm going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation To comfort us hereafter all in America 他说:亲爱的,不要悲伤 无论到哪里,你都是我唯一所爱 我会去开辟一片新天地 让我们能幸福生活的新天地 Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing 'Twill cause them for to smile at our late going away We'll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory We'll be drinking wine and porter, all in America 这一刻不会太久 相信我,我们会好起来 会像女王一样享受荣耀和快乐 我们会在那里继续对饮谈笑 If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying The sight of the lovely Bann banks your sorrow you'd give o'er Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower Pleasure would surround you, you'd think on death no more 如果恐惧让你辗转反侧 爱神便会把你带到我身旁 瞬间我们便会相聚,相聚在安静优美的凉亭中 幸福的气息会让你忘记任何的忧虑 Then fare you well, sweet Craigie Hill, where often times I've roved I never thought my childhood days I'd part you any more Now we're sailing on the ocean for honour d promotion And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore 再会了,我永远的克雷吉山 童年时我从没想过会离开 而今,带着我们荣誉和梦想的小舟已从Doorin 海岸起航了

热心网友 时间:2024-10-07 17:59

Craigie Hill --- (歌词大意)cara dillon It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing Down by yon shady arbour I carelessly did stray The thrushes they were warbling, the violets they were charming To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay 那个鸟儿欢跃的春季 沿着绿荫下的凉亭,我迷失了方向 娇媚的紫罗兰引来画眉清吟 情侣们的低语使我停下脚步 She said, my dear don't leave me all for another season Though fortune does be pleasing I'll go along with you I'll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation And to the bonny Bann banks forever I'll bid adieu 她说:亲爱的,不要留下我一人 财富和安逸也不能让我离开你 我愿放弃一切,甚至是神灵的祝愿 我们永远都不说再见 He said, my dear don't grieve or yet annoy my patience You know I love you dearly a more I'm going away I'm going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation To comfort us hereafter all in America 他说:亲爱的,不要悲伤 无论到哪里,你都是我唯一所爱 我会去开辟一片新天地 让我们能幸福生活的新天地 Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing 'Twill cause them for to smile at our late going away We'll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory We'll be drinking wine and porter, all in America 这一刻不会太久 相信我,我们会好起来 会像女王一样享受荣耀和快乐 我们会在那里继续对饮谈笑 If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying The sight of the lovely Bann banks your sorrow you'd give o'er Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower Pleasure would surround you, you'd think on death no more 如果恐惧让你辗转反侧 爱神便会把你带到我身旁 瞬间我们便会相聚,相聚在安静优美的凉亭中 幸福的气息会让你忘记任何的忧虑 Then fare you well, sweet Craigie Hill, where often times I've roved I never thought my childhood days I'd part you any more Now we're sailing on the ocean for honour d promotion And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore 再会了,我永远的克雷吉山 童年时我从没想过会离开 而今,带着我们荣誉和梦想的小舟已从Doorin 海岸起航了
怀孕四个月补钙可以吗 孕妇吃什么时候钙片好 孕妇吃什么钙片最好 怀孕补钙是必须的吗?孕妇钙片品牌哪个好? ...在长高的黄金发育时期,会影响容貌五官的变化吗,不仅没有发育到变... 冬至吃饺子的诗词 立冬吃饺子的暖心诗词 宁波全封闭学校有哪些 宁波市北仑区小港镇会计学校在那? 或红联镇也可以 江南教育集团小港中心幼儿园园况介绍 红联哪里有报暑假班 哪首英文歌曲的歌词里有I CAN FLY拜托各位了 3Q 找首歌 英文说唱 男歌手拜托各位了 3Q ...开头唱的洗哇哇 一男的唱的 是什么歌曲名字拜托各位了 3Q_百度... ...男歌手唱的,很悲伤、只要一首拜托各位了 3Q 跪求一首男的唱的英文歌~声音沧桑~象U2主唱的声音的拜托各位了 3Q 一首男生唱的英文歌 you leave me speechless拜托各位了 3Q_百度知 ... 测测养老金,准确吗?满意吗? 张家港中心医院医院概况 苏州大学附二医院有64排多层CT检查肠梗阻吗 请问在苏州市区的医院做身体全面检查需要多少钱? 山地车踩重就跳链 梦见自己和很多人夜晚在田里捉黄鳝,但只有我一个人捉了很多条,忽然看到... 梦见晚上自己去野外的田里,拣了几块抹布,这时从田边的树上刮来一阵风... 云南方言土话词语 ...吉林大学的音乐系副教授邹牧山老师啊?我孩子考中央艺术学院,想... 我一用酷我K歌,电脑就不能正常上网,要修复360浏览器后才能上网。反复试... 新生儿脐茸是怎么回事 什么运动有利于长寿 有关描写食物美味的句子的句子摘抄(美食之旅:用唯美的句子描写美味佳肴... 手机安全模式的坏处 求一首好听的有点带沙哑的男声英文歌 宋代时,中国的首都是东京还是汴梁 林内热水器型号对应表 宋朝现在是哪个城市 林内(rinnai)的哪款燃气热水器最值得你推荐? 社保停了怎么续交? 请问那个高手知不知道拓普康GR-3跟天宝R8那个性能好些更稳定些。_百度... 林内燃气热水器怎么选?附林内热水器详细型号参数选购指南(干货篇)_百度... 林内热水器qd06和能率e4哪个更好? 天宝(Trimble)的大地测量型GPS(R8之类的)和工程测量型GPS(SPS882之类... 能率热水器从购买到安装介绍[能率热水器是哪国品牌] 怎么去除复印件上的字呢? 英雄联盟总是弹出桌面怎么回事-总是弹出桌面设置方法 纸质文件中有错字,如何修改? 请问这是什么歌(广东话) 高潮是: ...上坡时 脚踏板用力踩 就会掉链子的声音 怎么回事啊 ...只有在路上骑得时候用力的时候有,把后轮抬起摇脚踏的时候没有,求... 山地车中盘挂最小飞轮时 用力踩脚踏 链条会发出类似震动滴滴滴的声音... 玫瑰和菊花可以一起泡茶吗 玫瑰花和菊花能一起泡水喝吗?