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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 16:58



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 04:36

The strawberry is the tannic acid content rich plant, may adsorb and prevent the carcinogenicity chemical substance in vivo the absorption, has against cancer function. the female often eats the strawberry, to the skin, the hair has the health care function. The strawberry may also lose weight, because it includes one kind to be called the aspartic acid the material, may the nature and gently except in vivo “the gangue”. The motherland medicine believed that the strawberry cool taste acid, has the Run lung to promote saliva or body fluids, the refrigeration cold hearted, to be good for the spleen sobers up and so on effects.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 04:38

The strawberry is the tannic acid content rich plant, may adsorb and prevent the carcinogenicity chemical substance in vivo the absorption, has against cancer function. the female often eats the strawberry, to the skin, the hair has the health care function. The strawberry may also lose weight, because it includes one kind to be called the aspartic acid the material, may the nature and gently except in vivo “the gangue”. The motherland medicine believed that the strawberry cool taste acid, has the Run lung to promote saliva or body fluids, the refrigeration cold hearted, to be good for the spleen sobers up and so on effects.

has against cancer function. the female often eats the strawberry, to the skin, the hair has the health care function. The strawberry may also lose weight,


约翰胫说,"如果问题够小的以便贡献边差分析是有关的,那么它不能带给一家公司一种非常大的冲击。 而且如果在一个决断设定的可能的冲击是主要的,如果它能真的以主要的方式影响一家公司,那么愚蠢的是考虑大部份的要修理的因数。" 然而,当经常开支不因单位,整批,产品或客户而改变的时候,其它支援易变成本计算的使...


大家帮我翻译一下这段话:你最近过的好吗?会不会很累?工作之余也要好好照顾自己,不要太拼命,你的一切努力我都知道,我知道自己有可能这一辈子都和你说不上一句话碰不着一次面,可我会一直以我自己的方式去爱你。(翻成英文,谢谢!)How have you bee getting along with yourself lately ?


第一名的人,兴奋过头,休克送医院急救,无法领奖。 第二名的人,不服气了,拒绝领奖。 第四名的人,因为不是前三名,没脸领奖。 第五名的人说:“第四名的人都不领奖了,我也不好意思领奖”。 第三名的人真寂寞。 46. 我听不见彩虹出现的声音;我听不见太阳落下的声音, 花开雪飘的声音,我听不见;风吹草...


wishes of the author, would like to have harmonious, peaceful atmosphere, away from the real world of war, military service, displacement and air raids. Of course, there are also magic in the kingdom of evil, but also fighting, this is a reflection of reality and refraction.

希望有人帮我把这一段话翻成英文 翻的有感觉一些 好听一些和干净简洁...

was hesitated and had a hard time. I just want to be fair to you.Maybe I've frightened you by telling all these. Hahaha Hope you will like this note book. BTW, don't staring at your phone at class, listen to the teacher :)参考资料:我翻译的比较口语化啦。希望帮到你 ...


3)与巴氏杀菌乳相比,超高压杀菌有助于延长牛乳的保质期,扩大牛乳的销售半径。In the room temperature constant time on fresh milk processing under different pressure, determination of the microbial and chemical index, and pasteurized milk were compared. Results: the results showed that: 1 ...


What is love? Who can tell another white? The two lovers happy, always has the heroic sacrifice oneself. Tolerance is a loving, spoiled is love, unrequited love is love, is love, is love attachment of sadomasochism ... ... We all deeply fall in love again. Look forward to...


house prices are not only related to population control interests, but also a bearing on the overall situation of national economic development. While the central government macro-control efforts to increase two straight, but the price issue is still outstanding.This paper analyzes the re...


hard, trying not to create more problems for the others.I hope that i will improve and continue to do better next year.我绝对自己翻译,没有用翻译器。说句实话,稍微有点难翻译,因为中文和英文不太一样。很多词中文有,英文里面没有。所以我尽力而为了~参考资料:我加拿大长大的 ...

讲一下这段话翻译成英文 这个用英语怎么说这段话用英文 把这段话翻译成英文怎么说 一段话的英文翻译 怎么把一段话翻译成英文 这段话译成英文 这段话英文 我喜欢这段话英文 这段话来自于哪里用英文怎么说
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