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英语作文 my hobby 60字并有中文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 19:05




这些就是我的嗜好,我认为我的一天很充实。 I have many hobbies, morning, I'll have some fruit and vegetable salad, so very healthy. And then I'll go to sports, it makes me look more spirit. I like best is to play tennis and badminton, I think they are interesting. I ...

英语作文 my hobby60词——100词

my hobby Hi, everyone. My teachers and classmates always say I’m a sunshine girl. Do you want to know about my hobbies?I have learnt to play the piano for six years, so one of my hobbies is playing the piano. I think piano is the best musical instrument in the world. ...

my hobby英语作文60字(2)

my hobby英语作文篇1 Do you know my hobby? My hobby is collecting stuffed animals. The frist one I ever got was a penguin stuffed animal on my seventh birthday. In fact I think it's probably my favorite. I've been collecting stuffed animals for five years,and now I have 23...

谁帮写英语作文,my hobbies 60词

I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.我有许多爱好,譬如:读书、滑冰、看电视,读书是我最喜欢的。I like reading for three reasons.First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time a...

一篇题目为my hobby的英语短文词数为六十字左右有中文翻译

My hobby My hobby is reading books, because I can get many useful knowledge form thebook. I always read books after school in my room, and my friends all like reading. My mother gives me a book for my birthday gift, I was very happy.So I suggest you to read books every...

初一英语作文“my hobby"(介绍自己的爱好,科目,运动,蔬菜)60字左右有翻...

My Hobby I have many hobbies. First of all , I love playing basketball because it makes me healthy. I usually play basketball with my classmates after school. For study, I like math best because it is so interesting. I also like vegetables very much. Cabbage is my favorite ...

题为my hobbies的英语作文,带中文,小学程度,60个单词左右,谢谢大家了...

I became interested in reading when I got my first book.I like reading so much that I often foget the time.From my hobby ,I have leant how to make friends ,how to get knowlege.In a word there are many interesting things to do in life.We should do something new or ...

my hobby 英语作文60个单词到8o个单词之间

My hobby is reading. I enjoy reading a book when I am free.I started to do it when I was four years old. The first time I did it, I felt interested. So I kept reading. I like stories with a happy ending. There are a lot of advantages of reading. Reading can make ...

my hobby英语作文60字

my hobby英语作文60字篇1 I used to listen to music in my spare time.Listening to music helped me relax when I was tired.It also brought me happiness.My interests are playing the piano all the time.Now my hobbies are sports like playing basketball and swimming.I think playing ...

一篇my hobby的英语作文,要带翻译,40到60词

My hobby is playing football. It is very interesting. Many people like to play it. It can make me healthy and strong. I often play it after class in my school. I often play it with my classmates. I can play it everywhere. But I think it is dangerous to play in streets...

myhobby英语作文100字 英语作文myhobby50字 myhobby英语作文20字 myhobby英语作文120字 my hobby英语作文40字 my hobby英语作文30字 英语作文myfamily100字 myhobby英语作文带翻译 myself英语作文100字
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