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初二英语题 简单~

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-27 02:39



热心网友 时间:1天前

1 与他的习惯一样 have same habbit as him
2 因活动多而受苦 suffer from too many activities
3 让他女儿下车 let her daughter get off the bus/car
4 在校运会上参加赛跑比赛 enter for a run race in school sports games
5 为下周旅行作准备 prepare for the travel next week
6 习惯于早起 be used to getteing up early
7 靠自己独立完成这个工作 complete the job on my own
8 显示出疲惫的迹象 appear tired
9 占有了我所有的时间 occupy all my time

1 Before I go to his house,I'll call him up and tell him.I don't want to (see ) him.
2 Jim and a (fellow ) with his friend and he hurt himself a little.
3 Mr and Mrs Smith are working hard to earn money,because they have to (raise ) six children,
4 Miss Yang was very busy the whole day and she was tired and (empty-饿 ).
5 Our ten-city tour (includes ) a visit to Shanghai.
6 He (dropped ) his son off at the school gate and left.

1 The students are going out to watch the baseball match on this afternoon.
--in this afternoon
2 I think I should give him a ticket to a ball game.
-- a ticket of a ball game
3 If he try to be good at anything,he will do well in nothing.
-- he tries

热心网友 时间:1天前


热心网友 时间:1天前

1 与他的习惯一样 have same habbit as him
2 因活动多而受苦 suffer from too many activities
3 让他女儿下车 let her daughter get off the bus/car
4 在校运会上参加赛跑比赛 enter for a run race in school sports games
5 为下周旅行作准备 prepare for the travel next week
6 习惯于早起 be used to getteing up early
7 靠自己独立完成这个工作 complete the job on my own
8 显示出疲惫的迹象 appear tired
9 占有了我所有的时间 occupy all my time

1 Before I go to his house,I'll call him up and tell him.I don't want to (see ) him.
2 Jim and a (fellow ) with his friend and he hurt himself a little.
3 Mr and Mrs Smith are working hard to earn money,because they have to (raise ) six children,
4 Miss Yang was very busy the whole day and she was tired and (empty-饿 ).
5 Our ten-city tour (includes ) a visit to Shanghai.
6 He (dropped ) his son off at the school gate and left.

1 The students are going out to watch the baseball match on this afternoon.
--in this afternoon
2 I think I should give him a ticket to a ball game.
-- a ticket of a ball game
3 If he try to be good at anything,he will do well in nothing.
-- he tries

热心网友 时间:1天前

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