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英语作文:用There be句型介绍班级。不少于50个单词

作文如下:This is my class. There are fifty desks and fifty chair in my class There is a television and,blackboard in my class.这是我的课。我们班有五十张课桌和五十把椅子。我们班有一台电视机和一块黑板。There are fifty student,twenty five boys and twenty five girl in my class...


Run for monitor speech of 100 words 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:Beloved teacher, dear students:大家好!Everybody is good!我叫张小华,之所以来竞选班长,是因为我鼓足了勇气。在班级中,我算是一个佼佼者,学习一直不错——上课能积极准确的回答问题,是老师的小棉袄;在早读时,我有一定的管控力...


The results of the student activity survey Here are the results of the student activity survey in Class 12, Grade 8. Most students watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some stud...

英语作文写一篇小短文,来描述一下在班级中的情况。不少于六句话。 好...

There are forty-five students in our class. We all study very hard. Our class is like a big family. We always help each other.Our monitor is a boy. He studies hard, and he is always ready to help others. We have four groups. I am a group leader.My class is a happy...

MY CLASS 英语作文诶,50词左右···

we often go home together if we have the same way to go .so ,i think our class is not only a class ,but a big family.this is my class,a big family,i love it forever.我的班级 我的班级就像是一个大家庭,我非常喜欢它,在这个大家庭里有我最喜欢的老师,有可爱的同学们,下面...


I study in Class 2 Grade 5 xx Primary school. There are 18 boy students and 15 girl students in our class. We are good friends. We study and play together. Our teacher Miss Wang is very beautiful and kind. We all love her.This is my class. I love it. Do you love it...

英语作文 请你调查一下你们班级的同学是怎样到学校的,并写出一份._百 ...

This is my survey.Different people have different ways to go to school.In my class ,many students go to school on foot,some students go to school by bus,others go to schoo...

以there be为主,写一篇50词左右介绍自己学校班级的英语作文,急急急!

There is a beautiful school called ***.There are 200 people in my school.There are many good teacher in the school.We learn and help each other.There are lots of grass and flowers on two side of our school street.There are also many big buildings standing in my school.We ...


介绍班级的:I like my classroom.There are two blackbords.There is a computer in my classroom.There are six lights and four electric fans in our classroom.There are many desks and chairs in the classroom.The foolr is clean.Ahd the windows are clean ,too.we can ease study in ...


Our monitor is a boy. He studies hard, and he is always ready to help others. We have four groups. I am a group leader.My class is a happy group, which was full of laughter, we all do their best, work together and make progress together, create a good atmosphere for ...

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