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动画片《狮子王》里的对白.很经典.狮王木法沙和幼子辛巴在山崖上的一段对话如下:1.MUFASA: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.木法沙:辛巴,你看,阳光照耀的一切都是我们的王国。2.SIMBA: Wow!辛巴:哇!3.MUFASA: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the...
有关狮子王的英语对白The Lion King狮子王:1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。2. I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表 你要到处闯祸。3. When ...
狮子王经典对白(一定要是对话),3段,几句就行Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and rise with you as the new king.木法沙:一个国王的统治期就如同太阳一样,有升有降。辛巴,总有一天我将会跟太阳一样慢慢落下,并且在你成为新国王的时候和你一同...
大家帮忙找几句经典的英语对白!!急用~~大神们帮帮忙狮子王的经典对白如下: 1.木法沙对生命的理解 ... S:But I thought a king can do whaterver he wants. M:Oh,there's more to being king than getting your way all the time. S:There's more? M:Simba,everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.As king you need ...
经典英文电影对白经典英文电影对白 狮子王 The Lion King经典台词 1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t ...
求英文大段经典对白!!急~!!!狮子王》里辛巴父子的对话 The sun is bright, the trees are green and the animals live happily.) Mufasa: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom. Simba: Wow! Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will...
《狮子王》3-5分钟的英文对白,注明是在什么情况下说的。明天就要...<狮子王》这股热浪随后席卷世界各地。此片配置了27中不同语言,在46个国家和地区都受到观众的热烈欢迎。在欧洲、拉美和非洲的20多个国家,该片成为历史上最受欢迎的英语影片,《狮子王》现在是电影史唯一进入票房排名前十名的卡通片,总票房收入现已超过7亿5千万美元!(Endless African plain. The ...
狮子王的励志经典台词有哪些1、I laugh in the face of danger.我始终笑着面对危险。2、When the going gets tough, the tough get going!逆境才能成就强者。3、 I”m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn”t mean you go looking for trouble.我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,但是勇敢并不代表要到处闯祸。4...
求1994年版《狮子王》20分钟到30分钟的对白!急急急!!!在线等答案Z:Come Nala, Simba, good luck! 走吧娜娜。辛巴,祝你好运!M:Simba! Simba, I'm very disappointed in you. 辛巴!辛巴,我对你非常失望。S:I know. 我知道 M:You could've been killed. You deliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse, you put Nala in danger. 你可能会被杀...
动画片《狮子王》里的对白.很经典.从来没有一个狮子王,他的毛会那么少 在看看我的威严,没有人比的过,没有人能说不要啦,只要我说声要 放我出去,放我出去 让我进去,让我进去 可是,沙组,你跟我说他们只是爱流口水的傻瓜啊……能不能不要在这里提傻瓜两个字 嘿,你说谁是傻瓜啊?啊对不起夫人,我想我们改走了,你看看...