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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-01 05:58




Shanghai is famous for The Oriental Pearl TV Tower Of Shanghai and Jinmao Building.To have a trip there is worthwhile.You can have an attractive scenery at Shanghai Bund.If you want to visit some historic places,Stone Gate and (Town God's Temple)Yu garden are wise choices.You...


当然是ON了 on weekend表在周末 on weekends表每逢周末


1、Choosing to Study Overseas Every year,thousands of students choose to study in another country for a semester,the summer ,or a year.Studying overseas can be an exciting experience for many people.1 选择到出国留学 每年,数以千计的学生选择到国外学习一学期,一夏天,或者一年.出国留...

英语高手请进来一下~~~很快 只需要翻译一个词~~~

Science Teacher 科学教师 scientific是指科学,学术上的,比附科学难题 scientific issues


1, compared to other dangers, the chance of human suffering shark attack is very small.2, parents may be invited to participate in this year's New Year party.3, the latter two attacks on humans may be more deadly.4, the ball in the principal's head.5, you should avoid ...


1.put away:收起来,储存.People put away their tools after work.人们在劳作结束后收好工具.pick out:挑选出/辨别出.I picked out the best ones.我挑出了最好的那些.He'll be easy to be picked out by his red hat.他很容易就会凭着他的红帽子被认出来的.put down:放下/写下/贬低....


help get rid of the gap between generations. If teachers listen to their students, they will be able to understand and satisfy the students' needs. If students listen to each other, it will strengthen their friendship as well as enable them to help and learn from each other....


当然是错的。How much are the water?这个句子一看就是错的。water是不可数名词,那么前面是不能用are的,你想问水多少钱,也只能用 is ,则为How much is water ?但是按语法来讲,这样问也是不对的,water是特指,前面应+定冠词the,则为How much is the water ?


On the one hand, it stimulates the economic development and makes people's life and work more convenient.3 On the other hand, a large number of cars can lead to(或者用cause) traffic jam as well as environmental pollution resulting from exhaust emissions.4 In my opinion,it is ...


1: I met many questions in the mail process, looked for the packing case to look for one day, said that these were not the wish explained I had laboriously, not about these. But I has understood a truth in this process.2: I thought that I also am a selfish person, ...

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