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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 14:56




Method one :Pour a quarter cup of popcorn kernels into a paper bag.Fold the top of the bag three times.Place the paper bag in the microwave.Set the timer for 40 to 60 seconds. (It can take 3-4 minutes).Remove the bag and pour the popcorn into a dish.Cook unbaked kern...


First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper. Next turn the popper.Wait for one or two minutes. Then turn off the popper and put the popcorn into a bowl. You can add some salt on the popcorn. At last, please enjoy it....


Traditional method: put the corn into the machine, wait a minute. Peng… it becomes pop corn.Popular method: put the corn and cream into the machine, wait a minute. wait a minute. Then the corn becomes pop corn.


2分半钟时间好快就过,关电源,开门,香喷喷的爆米花就出来了。倒入适量的白砂糖,然后把热腾腾的爆米花搅拌一下,直到大部分的爆米花粘在一起,就OK了 英语The corn kernels, clean water, and then find a cerned microwave dish, because when detonation corn corn will pop up, so find ...


Next,take a frying pan and a fitting lid. Put some of my vaseline grease (canola oil for example) in it to make sure your corns won't stick to your pan.Wait until the pan is hot--you can add 1 or 2kernels to the pan as it heats up... when they pop, the pan is...


In a large saucepan, stir together the oil and popcorn kernels. Cover and cook over medium heat just until you hear the kernels begin to pop for about 3 to 5 minutes. Tilt the lid slightly,allowing steam to escape. Cook until the popping slows, about 2 minutes.Remove from ...


Buy the special use popcorn maize bean, the frying pan readjusts oneself to a certain extent appropriate amount oil, paint maize bean into reviewing 2 accomplishment going down a boiler, cover pot cover begins to shake a boiler without stop , may hear boiler lining popcorn slowly ...


.Pop Corns Making.Most of the children enjoy having pop corns.Even some grown-ups take pop corns as their snack.But not everybody know how to make or cook it.I"d like to give you some tips on how to make it by yourself.First,you can buy some raw material which is ...

英语作文 制作爆米花、

How can we make popcorn?First, put some corn in the popcorn popper. Next, open the popper. Then, pour the popcorn into a bowl, and put some sugar on it. Finally, you can eat it.


How to make popcorn? First of all, we will prepare some of the corn, this is essential. Then put the corn into the can make popcorn in the microwave. Then fire about 5minutes. Then you will see just do the popcorn, and enjoy it!

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