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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 16:13



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 01:05

Commission is generally introced by brokering transactions or purchase goods and access to the reward. As brokers because there are certain trade channels,
Therefore, through its transactions have been carried out in international trade is a common practice.
Commission generally divided into: that the commission and dark commission. That the commission is clearly in the contract has been finalized commission. Dark refers to a commission
Not with that agreement by the two sides separately. General commission's calculation of the amount by the amount of the invoice value, or CIF prices
CFR commission rate multiplied by the price obtained. But there are also larger amount by the commission of Net FOB.
Discount is the seller of goods in accordance with the original price to the buyer to a certain percentage of the price rection. Volume discounts, including discounts,
Seasonal discounts, special discounts and additional discounts. Specific amount or percentage of the discount amount shall, in accordance with the specific circumstances of the case.
When buyers and sellers determine the discount ratio, can be clearly indicated in the contract for the sale out.
Commission is generally introced by brokering transactions or purchase goods and access to the reward. As brokers because there are certain trade channels,
Therefore, through its transactions have been carried out in international trade is a common practice.
Commission generally divided into: that the commission and dark commission. That the commission is clearly in the contract has been finalized commission. Dark refers to a commission
Not with that agreement by the two sides separately. General commission's calculation of the amount by the amount of the invoice value, or CIF prices
CFR commission rate multiplied by the price obtained. But there are also larger amount by the commission of Net FOB.
Discount is the seller of goods in accordance with the original price to the buyer to a certain percentage of the price rection. Volume discounts, including discounts,
Seasonal discounts, special discounts and additional discounts. Specific amount or percentage of the discount amount shall, in accordance with the specific circumstances of the case.
When buyers and sellers determine the discount ratio, can be clearly indicated in the contract for the sale out.

Commission is generally introduced by brokering transactions or purchase goods and access to the reward. As brokers because there are certain trade channels,Therefore, through its transactions have been carried out in international trade is a common practice.Commission generally divided into: ...


1、预付款:advance payment/deposit 2、杂货船:general cargo carrier 3、沿海国家:maritime country 4、有奖销售:prize-giving sales 5、民政部门:civil administration department 6、单独海损:particular average 7、货运单据:cargo documents 8、跟单汇票:documentary remittances 9、知识产权:intellec...


(5) our payment is irrevocable bond, with demand draft of the letter of credit to pay.


barriers(贸易壁垒):A structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage.security(证券):A document indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock certificate or bond.tariff(关税):Duties or a duty imposed by a government on imported or exported goods.anti-dumping(反倾销):Intended to d...


4. Can you give in each other? I think we both insist on your price is not wise.5. We can't do the deal, because the seller raised prices five percent, and reduce the number of twenty-five percent.6. About the question of price, I think in the purchase of goods, ...


1.由于我的表达不够完善,给您造成的疑惑,我表示抱歉.I am sorry for the confusion caused by my inadequate expression.2.给您的价格,是包含所有包装材料.通常定货少于40个(货物),价格已经没办法再有变化.已经是价格底线,很抱歉.Our offer include the cost of packing material. I am sorry to ...


My name is xx, I'm from xx company. We have offices in xx. Our product is xxx, and we are one of the leading companies of this product in the world.

商务英语,帮忙翻译一下。(不要用那些自动翻译的) 在朋友的介绍下,我很...

Under the friend's introduction, I'm so glad to know your company.在朋友的介绍下,我很荣幸的知悉贵公司。


请商务英语高手帮忙翻译 Pleasefindattachedtothise-mailthenewDraftorder.Thecustomerisgoingforoneweekholiday,IshouldbeabletoconfirmtheorderonMarch16withthebanktransfer.翻译... Please find attached to this e-mail the new Draft order.The customer is going for one week holiday, I should be able to ...


我是在西门子做商务项目管理的,你问的词我大多都很熟悉,经营服务项目 : business scope Note:看中文原意,不好逐字翻译。program英文的意思跟中文翻译出来的含义是不同的。一定要逐字译,就用business service items 首创精神 : spirit of innovation Note:强调的是创新,而非先锋。请考证以下网址www....

商务英语和英语翻译哪个好 应用英语好还是商务英语好 商务英语好还是英语教育好 商务英语和英语哪个好 商务英语和学术英语哪个好 选一个好的专业翻译英语 学英语笔译好还是学翻译好 英语和翻译专业哪个好 商务翻译器哪个好用
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