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As I teenager, my life is fun and stressed at the same time. I not have to deal with the school, but also issues of growing up. However, I also enjoy being a teen, going to school and learning everyday. The ideal happiness for me is a summer vacation without homework! ...


Who can help me to stay free my misery?


我的烦恼 望着天外那一阵阵淅淅沥沥的小雨,我的思绪全缠在那件事上。。。


I have a lot of trouble.mommy lost the job, not the father, I fear my mother will spend the money, so how do we live it!mother money to buy a house, my mother''s accounts linked in a friend''s house, my mother''s friends will not let me hang in their house accou...


作为一名三好学生,我有着令人羡慕的成绩的同时也有不少烦恼.The first : It is the crucial point to enter the senior high school. I know it clearly , so I do not mind I have no time to play. But my Mom and my Dad arrange a lot of exercise to me every day, even if ...


everyone has his trouble, so do I. My trouble is so many that sometimes I feel so annoymous. Then let me tell you my trouble and can you tell me why? My trouble containes the fowlling: homework exame arguing with good friends and money. First and the most importent thing...

《我的烦恼》 初二水平英语作文 80词左右

My trouble Everyone has troubles, it said Debu false.At school, I would happily like a little angel, but sometimes because of some classmates to tears.At home, harsh mother nagging in my ear all day, not to ask me to do this examination paper, that is, asked me to do ...


my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. she took me to the primary school and home every day. no matter when it’s rainy or windy.but one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. i didn’t know what had happe...


My biggest worry is that sleep not wake up in the morning, always late."Get up, hurry up!" Mom cried. I drowsily opened his eyes, just to get up, fell down wheezy sleep together. "Get up, go to sleep late on, fast!" Mom cried a second time. I got a look at the...

解决我的烦恼 英语作文 [大致意思:我最大的烦恼就是英语学习,我的英语...

My biggest headach is English, every time I see Mr. Wang, our English teacher, I would wish my mother had never brought me to this world. I don't understand why I can't do better. English is a language, spoken by millions and millions of people, young and old, women ...

我的烦恼作文英语翻译 我的烦恼英语作文 我的烦恼是英语 她总是愿意倾听我的烦恼英文 关于烦恼的英语作文 作文《我的烦恼》 我的烦恼作文200 我的烦恼作文600 我的烦恼作文300
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