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小学六年级英语问题(在线等)"My hoppy"

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 11:32



小学六年级英语问题(在线等)"My hoppy"

a) I regularly spend time working on my collection.b) I guess I spend about two hours every week on my hobby. This is mainly over weekends, as I do not have time during the week.There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about collecting stamps....


I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colorful and without time and space limit. Through reading, I can trace back to anci...

英语小短文 My hoppy


小学生英语作文My Hoppy

swimming and collecting stamps.I usually go fishing in spare time .I have been doing this since two years ago.In summer, I often go swimming with my schoolmates,and I have been doing this since I entered middle school .Collecting stamps is my favourite,...

英语作文my hobby 5句话

写作思路:写作的时候,把自己的爱好写出来,要注意英语句式的变化。My hoppy.我的爱好。I have lots of hoppy.我有许多爱好。Such as playing computer games,doing morning exercise and so on.例如玩电脑游戏,做早操等。Thay're interesting.它们都很有趣。I like them.我喜欢它。

以My hoppy 为题写一作英语作文

Everyone has his own hobby, it may give him lots of happiness. My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially the cartoon music, though I'm not good at it, I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble, music can make me ...

"My hoppy"英语作文带翻译

Everyone has his hobby,for me,my favourite hobby is reading.let me tell you how I became interested in this hobby.I was started to reading when I was five years old.But,at first , I wasn't knew word, I only can read the draws in book.These draws all very beautiful and...

英语作文:My hoppy(s)

My hobbies Everybody has his hobbies,and I have some hobbies too.They are fishing,swimming and collecting stamps.I usually go fishing in spare time .I have been doing this since two years ago.In summer, I often go swimming with my schoolmates,and I have been doing this since ...

My hoppy的英语作文

My hobbies Everyone has hobbies,and so do I.I have many hobbies such as swiming ,danceing ,singing as well as running.Of all the hobbies.I like singing most.I often go to concerts at the weekend.As a reslut ,I have made many good friends by singing,When I was sad and ...

以“My hoppy”写一篇英语作文

the lessons on the internet which is much more conveninet for me.At home,raising small animals like goldfish and tortises help me to develop my creature caring skills.Because i am their master.A lovely ower is someone with crazy ideas.I will be the one.My hobby never dies....

小学数学六年级 小学六年级数学知识点 小学六年级 小学一年级语文上册 六年级语文 六年级数学上 hoppymot my hoppy is 六年级上册
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