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Australia (Versione Live) (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-18 13:53



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 21:10

歌曲名:Australia (Versione Live) (2006 Digital Remaster)
专辑:Collezione Italiana

Jonas Brothers - Australia
You never listen to me
I know I'm better off alone
Everybody knows it's true
Yeah, we all see through you
No, it won't be hard to do
Throw away my stuff from you
And I'll wait for her to come
She won't break my heart
Cause I know she'll be from Australia
She is so beautiful
She's my dream girl
She's my dream girl
You were the one I thought I needed
I'm better off alone
Everybody knows it's true
They know all your secrets
The only thing you knew was true
Has just walked out of your life
How does it feel?
So I'll wait for her to come
She won't break my heart
Cause I know she'll be from Australia
She is so beautiful
She's my dream girl
She's my dream girl
She will be there to love and to care
I know there's no need to worry
The girl of my dreams
The one that will be there
To hold me when I'm down
Till she's around
I'll just wait for her to come
She won't break my heart
Cause I know she'll be from Australia
She is so beautiful
She's my dream girl
She's my dream girl
So I'll wait for her to come
She won't break my heart
Cause I know she'll be from Australia
She is so beautiful
She's my dream girl
She's my dream girl

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