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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 10:09



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 07:02

ALL NIGHT LONG - Stevie Hoang

Wow yeah


Babe do what you came 2 do
You know there ain;t nothing to lose
Don;t think about it
Just relax your mind
Been working hard from 9 to 5
And now it;s time to make it right
Let;s get a groove on
And party all night
And if ur feelin naughty
You can grab somebody
Just let the music take control
Don;t be acting shady
Don;t u mind some ladies
Now here;s your moment
That playing your song
Just make your way onto the dance floor
Babe let yourself go
Cos we came a party
All night long
Now we;re here 2 have a good time
Leave the troubles behind
Coz we gonna party
All night long
The music;s popping for the vibe
You know it;s going down tonight
No need to find it ,just have a good time
The people make you lose control
So get yout back up off the wall
No hasitating, tonight is your night

And if ur feelin naughty
You can grab somebody
Just let the music take control
Don;t be acting shady
Don;t u mind some ladies
Now here;s your moment
That playing your song
Just make your way onto the dance floor
Babe let yourself go
Cos we came a party
All night long
Now we;re here 2 have a good time
Leave the troubles behind
Coz we gonna party
All night long

Just close your eyes and feel your mind
You can do what you want tonight
The dj;s on fire feel the vibe
So get up off the floor
Just make your way onto the dance floor
Babe let yourself go
Cos we came a party
All night long
Now we;re here 2 have a good time
Leave the troubles behind
Coz we gonna party
All night long
Just make your way onto the dance floor
Babe let yourself go
Cos we came a party
All night long
Now we;re here 2 have a good time
Leave the troubles behind
Coz we gonna party
All night long
Just make your way onto the dance floor
Babe let yourself go
Cos we came a party
All night long
Now we;re here 2 have a good time
Leave the troubles behind
Coz we gonna party
All night long
Just make your way onto the dance floor
Babe let yourself go
Cos we came a party
All night long
Now we;re here 2 have a good time
Leave the troubles behind
Coz we gonna party
All night long
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