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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-21 09:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 09:58


热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 10:02

The reason why the beautiful flowers, not only in brilliant colors, but also because it contains a brilliant life. The reason why some people attract attention, not only in appearance, but also in the heart. Therefore, we find ourselves to be good at.
Give an example. I have often criticized by the teacher, always doing something others did not dare to do. But from another perspective, I am more confident than others, even more. If you're not confident, you can write down their own shortcomings, and then tell your teacher and classmates. Honey, if you do this, then I think you should have nothing to inferiority complex, because you do a lot of people failed to do, you have extraordinary courage.
All in all, a friend, you do not need to change your own, you only need to change your point of view

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 09:58

Ask ace to help translate an article.
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The flowers are beautiful, is not only gorgeous color, more in which contain his life brilliance. Some people are attracted attention is not only in appearance, more in mind. Therefore, we should be good at discovering yourself.
An example. I often get teacher criticism, always do some others dare not do. But, change an Angle, I more confident than others, and more. If you aren't enough self-confidence, you can put their own shortcomings write on the paper, then tell your teacher and classmates. Dear, if you do this, so I think you should have nothing can humbleth himself, because you did a lot of people can't do something, you have made extraordinary courage.
In short, my friend, you don't need to change your itself, you only need to change your point of view
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