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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 20:43



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 17:15

Cancers, an open-access journal focusing on oncology, publishes commentary, research articles, and brief communications. It ranks in the top 35% of its field, with a CiteScore. Although the proportion of Chinese authors' contributions is relatively low, its international recognition is satisfactory. One key aspect of this journal is its fast review and publication process, making it a suitable choice for students急于 to complete their studies.

Launched in 2009, Cancers is edited by Prof. Dr. Samuel C. Mok and has an ISSN of 2072-6694. The scope covers tumor biology, genetics, pharmacology, molecular biology, immunology, endocrinology, and neurosciences. In 2021, its impact factor was 6.575, with a predicted future IF of 3.77, placing it in the top 2% of the Medical Sciences category in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Average review time is about 39 days, with a swift revision cycle of 30 days. The journal accepts a wide range of research, including submissions from the top countries like the US (33%) and Italy (24%), and institutions such as the European Union Research Universities (47%).

Cancers publishes studies on various topics like breast and prostate cancer biomarkers, cancer therapy, informatics, and big data in cancer research. For instance, a study on breast cancer treatment prediction used clinical and radiomic CT features, while another explored machine learning in skin lesion classification. In 2023, the journal has been publishing nearly 2,000 articles within the first three months alone.

While the journal encourages both positive and meaningful negative results, it has a high acceptance rate and self-citation percentage, suggesting a lower submission barrier. By integrating diverse data and focusing on innovative approaches, Cancers provides a platform for researchers to contribute to the field of oncology.
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