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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 20:58



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 01:36

1.this is the city where i was borned.
2.the girl who is reading english is my sister.
3.this magazine which talks about teenagers' lives is my favorite.
4.i love this book which he gave to me.
5.penguins are lovely animals which lives in the south pole.
6.he'll never forget the talk which he and his father had the other day before.
7.everyone who have dreams should fight for them.
8.the girl which i met on the street yesterday in my classmate.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 01:36

1, This is the city where I was born.
2, The girl who is reading the English is my sister.
3, This magazine that is about the lives of young people is my favorite.
4, I like this book that was given to me
by him
5, Penguins are a kind of lovely animals that live in the Antarctic.
6 He will never forget a talk that his father had with him.
7, any dream to dream of one should struggle
8, The girl who I met on the street yesterday is my classmate.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 01:36

1.This is the city that I was born in.
2.The girl who is reading an English book is my sister.
3.This is my favourite magazine which tells about lives of teenagers.
4.I'm fond of the book (that) he gives me.
5.A penguin is a kind of lovely animal that lives in Antarctica.
6.He'll never forget about the words his was told by his father.
7.Anyone who has got a dream should compete for it.
8.The girl I came across yesterday was my classmate.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 01:37

1.This is the city that i was born.
2. That girl who is reading English is my sister.
3.This magzine tells about the teenager's life that is my favorite.
4.I like this book which is sent by him.
5.Penguin is a lovely animal which is lived in the South Pole.
6.He will never forget the words that his father told him that day.
7.Everyone who has a dream should make efforts for thier dreams.
8.Yestoday i met that girl on the street that is my classmates.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 01:38

1This is the city in which I was born.
2The girl who is reading English is my sister.
3This magzine,which is about teenages' life,is my favourate.
4I like the book he gave to me.
5Penguin is a kind of cute animal which lives in the Antarctic pole.
6He will never forget the words his father told to him at that day.
7Anyone who has dream should strive for it.
8The girl I pumped into on the street yesterday is my classmate.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 01:38

1, this is the city where I was born
2, the English girl who is reading my sister
3, this magazine that is about the lives of young people is my favorite.
4, I like this book he gave me
5, penguin is a kind of lovely animal which livesin the Antarctic lovely animals
6 he will never forget the words his father said to him that day
7, everyone who has dreams should struggle for dreams
8, the girl I met in the street was my classmate
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