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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 23:14




the sun is still there shining, as beautiful as ever. Just because it is hidden behind clouds or setting early in our part of the world, does not mean that we cannot access its power, beauty, and warmth.One way to do this is to find a warm spot in our house where we ...

a thing l never forget作文,要有翻译,

In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment. The grateful gaze of the seagull remains etched in my memory, reminding me of the power of kindness and compassion.那一刻,我感受到了无比的喜悦和满足。那只感激的海鸥的目光深深地铭记在我的记忆中,提醒着我善良和...


I desire a life that is just right for companionship, not overly burdened by material wealth, ensuring a stable standard of living. When I'm by myself, I prefer solitude over engaging with unfamiliar faces. Simplicity, beauty, and an innate aversion to complexity are my guiding p...


but more the warmth of the Jinan people. The beauty of nature is thin and weak, but the beauty that comes from people will last forever.


There are four seasons in a year.T hey are spring,summer,fall and winter .一年中有四个季节.它们是春、夏 、秋、冬.I like spring.It is warm.It often rai ns.I can plant trees and flowers in spri ng.The spring is green.我喜欢春天 .暖和,经常下雨.我可以在春天种树,种花.春天...

英语翻译 急啊!!!


写一篇《Life is beautiful》英语作文

there must be a light left,for you,for love.Therefore,we can say,life brings us the warmth beside you and me,like a young mother half-shy of her own glory she walks among us;life gives us an unbelievable amount of joy;life makes us understand the mysterious power of love...

以which seasons do you like best为题的英语作文(要求80个单词...

My favorite season is summer. I love the warmth of the sun and the long, lazy days. It's a time for outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and picnics. I enjoy the vibrant colors of nature and the sound of laughter in the air. Summer brings a sense of freedom and ...


And there are many fruits in fall , Just like :apples , bananas , oranges… And the Mid Autuain Festival is in fall , too . 秋天还有很多水果,如苹果,香蕉,桔子,中秋节也在秋天。 So I like fall very much . 所以我很喜欢秋天。 3. 想要一篇描写秋天的英语作文 Autumn is my favourite...


Elegant Angel is flying in heaven, is the symbol of happiness and warmth, angel is the image of nurses and internal beauty affectionate praise, dressed in a white floating in the air, a pure heart, Yan hat chic, a sincere watch. "From the heart to start, with similar" sounds like ...

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