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Grandparents raising grandchildren

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 23:14



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 07:58

In China, many grandparents undertake担任 the responsibility of raising their grandchildren when the young parents are too busy with their paid jobs. This phenomenon has been the subject for dispute for some time. In my opinion, young parents should take care of their children by themselves because there are many disadvantages in grandparents taking care of grandchildren.

First, children who are left to grandparents at an early age may be ecationally disadvantaged later in life because they may miss important early learning opportunities that occur in parent-child interaction. It is widely acknowledged that childhood is the golden time to learn. As most young parents receive better ecation than the grandparents, they can better assist children in their early learning. Scientific investigation has also shown that intimate parent-child contact accelerates children's language acquisition语言习得[掌握] and intellectual development.

Moreover, children brought up by grandparents can develop emotional defects. All children are most attached to使依恋 their parents by nature生来. When unwillingly living apart from their parents and seeing other children enjoying parents' love and attention, these children may have a feeling of abandonment, which may develop into an incurable trauma伤口 in their later life.

Last but not least, children's psychological development can be severely affected. These children, deprived of direct care from their parents, are usually spoiled by their grandparents. Consequently, these children are more likely to develop such psychological problems as egoism自我主义, 利己主义 and egotism自我中心, 自尊自大.

In conclusion, grandparents raising grandchildren may cause negative effects on children's intellectual, emotional and psychological development. Therefore, the best place for children is always at their own parents’ side.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 07:59

In China, many grandparents undertake担任 the responsibility of raising their grandchildren when the young parents are too busy with their paid jobs. This phenomenon has been the subject for dispute for some time. In my opinion, young parents should take care of their children by themselves because there are many disadvantages in grandparents taking care of grandchildren.

First, children who are left to grandparents at an early age may be ecationally disadvantaged later in life because they may miss important early learning opportunities that occur in parent-child interaction. It is widely acknowledged that childhood is the golden time to learn. As most young parents receive better ecation than the grandparents, they can better assist children in their early learning. Scientific investigation has also shown that intimate parent-child contact accelerates children's language acquisition语言习得[掌握] and intellectual development.

Moreover, children brought up by grandparents can develop emotional defects. All children are most attached to使依恋 their parents by nature生来. When unwillingly living apart from their parents and seeing other children enjoying parents' love and attention, these children may have a feeling of abandonment, which may develop into an incurable trauma伤口 in their later life.

Last but not least, children's psychological development can be severely affected. These children, deprived of direct care from their parents, are usually spoiled by their grandparents. Consequently, these children are more likely to develop such psychological problems as egoism自我主义, 利己主义 and egotism自我中心, 自尊自大.

In conclusion, grandparents raising grandchildren may cause negative effects on children's intellectual, emotional and psychological development. Therefore, the best place for children is always at their own parents’ side.
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