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汽车行业, OEM厂商的职位中,Dealer Marketing, retail marketing 和普通的marketing有什么区别

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 17:32



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:44

Dealer Marketing Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for regional dealer marketing planning based on central marketing strategy and plan.Provide guidance to dealers in marketing practice with means like dealer template, toolkits and related standards through regular dealer communication.Ensure the quality level and alignment of marketing communication and events execution on dealer side.Conct dealer marketing performance evaluation for dealer marketing fund execution and regular marketing KPIs.Responsible for regional marketing resource planning and allocation with systematic market analysis align with marketing and sales objective.Manage dealer marketing agency and liaise with regional offices to achieve the above goal.

Retail marketing Key Responsibilities:
Establish the yearly/quarterly retail marketing plan and dealer events plan with identification event needs and feasibility;Guide and monitor dealer events; Create regular retail marketing events report for review and evaluation;Retail marketing conference and training program development;Local best practice platform set up and management;Develop and adapt all national events, integrate into regional level execution;Retail Marketing budget planning and controlling; SAP system concting.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:44

说白了就是看marketing服务和管理的对象是谁,你想管理和经营经销商那肯定是Dealer Marketing,你想管理和经营消费者,那就是Retail Marketing

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:44

Dealer Marketing Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for regional dealer marketing planning based on central marketing strategy and plan.Provide guidance to dealers in marketing practice with means like dealer template, toolkits and related standards through regular dealer communication.Ensure the quality level and alignment of marketing communication and events execution on dealer side.Conct dealer marketing performance evaluation for dealer marketing fund execution and regular marketing KPIs.Responsible for regional marketing resource planning and allocation with systematic market analysis align with marketing and sales objective.Manage dealer marketing agency and liaise with regional offices to achieve the above goal.

Retail marketing Key Responsibilities:
Establish the yearly/quarterly retail marketing plan and dealer events plan with identification event needs and feasibility;Guide and monitor dealer events; Create regular retail marketing events report for review and evaluation;Retail marketing conference and training program development;Local best practice platform set up and management;Develop and adapt all national events, integrate into regional level execution;Retail Marketing budget planning and controlling; SAP system concting.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45

说白了就是看marketing服务和管理的对象是谁,你想管理和经营经销商那肯定是Dealer Marketing,你想管理和经营消费者,那就是Retail Marketing

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:44

Dealer Marketing Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for regional dealer marketing planning based on central marketing strategy and plan.Provide guidance to dealers in marketing practice with means like dealer template, toolkits and related standards through regular dealer communication.Ensure the quality level and alignment of marketing communication and events execution on dealer side.Conct dealer marketing performance evaluation for dealer marketing fund execution and regular marketing KPIs.Responsible for regional marketing resource planning and allocation with systematic market analysis align with marketing and sales objective.Manage dealer marketing agency and liaise with regional offices to achieve the above goal.

Retail marketing Key Responsibilities:
Establish the yearly/quarterly retail marketing plan and dealer events plan with identification event needs and feasibility;Guide and monitor dealer events; Create regular retail marketing events report for review and evaluation;Retail marketing conference and training program development;Local best practice platform set up and management;Develop and adapt all national events, integrate into regional level execution;Retail Marketing budget planning and controlling; SAP system concting.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:44

Dealer Marketing Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for regional dealer marketing planning based on central marketing strategy and plan.Provide guidance to dealers in marketing practice with means like dealer template, toolkits and related standards through regular dealer communication.Ensure the quality level and alignment of marketing communication and events execution on dealer side.Conct dealer marketing performance evaluation for dealer marketing fund execution and regular marketing KPIs.Responsible for regional marketing resource planning and allocation with systematic market analysis align with marketing and sales objective.Manage dealer marketing agency and liaise with regional offices to achieve the above goal.

Retail marketing Key Responsibilities:
Establish the yearly/quarterly retail marketing plan and dealer events plan with identification event needs and feasibility;Guide and monitor dealer events; Create regular retail marketing events report for review and evaluation;Retail marketing conference and training program development;Local best practice platform set up and management;Develop and adapt all national events, integrate into regional level execution;Retail Marketing budget planning and controlling; SAP system concting.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45

说白了就是看marketing服务和管理的对象是谁,你想管理和经营经销商那肯定是Dealer Marketing,你想管理和经营消费者,那就是Retail Marketing

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45

说白了就是看marketing服务和管理的对象是谁,你想管理和经营经销商那肯定是Dealer Marketing,你想管理和经营消费者,那就是Retail Marketing

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:44

Dealer Marketing Key Responsibilities:
Responsible for regional dealer marketing planning based on central marketing strategy and plan.Provide guidance to dealers in marketing practice with means like dealer template, toolkits and related standards through regular dealer communication.Ensure the quality level and alignment of marketing communication and events execution on dealer side.Conct dealer marketing performance evaluation for dealer marketing fund execution and regular marketing KPIs.Responsible for regional marketing resource planning and allocation with systematic market analysis align with marketing and sales objective.Manage dealer marketing agency and liaise with regional offices to achieve the above goal.

Retail marketing Key Responsibilities:
Establish the yearly/quarterly retail marketing plan and dealer events plan with identification event needs and feasibility;Guide and monitor dealer events; Create regular retail marketing events report for review and evaluation;Retail marketing conference and training program development;Local best practice platform set up and management;Develop and adapt all national events, integrate into regional level execution;Retail Marketing budget planning and controlling; SAP system concting.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45

说白了就是看marketing服务和管理的对象是谁,你想管理和经营经销商那肯定是Dealer Marketing,你想管理和经营消费者,那就是Retail Marketing

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 12:45

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