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fastdb实时内存数据库README from fastdb-3.49

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 09:20



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 10:23

FastDB is an embedded main memory database designed for quick access to persistent data within your C/C++ applications. It doesn't require a server to handle client requests; instead, it's integrated into the client application as a library. This library provides access to persistent objects stored in memory.

Building the FastDB library involves using the correct makefile. On most popular Unix systems with GCC, executing "make" is sufficient. There are alternative makefiles included in the distribution, or you can create your own based on the standard FastDB makefile or customize an existing one. For Windows users with Microsoft Visual C++, running "make.bat" will do the job. If you encounter an error stating that "nmake" or "cl" commands are not recognized, check that your Microsoft Visual Studio environment variables are properly set.

There are two methods to resolve this issue:

Alternatively, you can use Microsoft Visual Studio project files (fastdb.sln or fastdb.dsw) and open them with Visual Studio. The config.h file contains various options for configuring FastDB. The recommended way to change configuration is by editing config.h rather than specifying macros in the compiler command line, as the latter can lead to inconsistencies between different application moles and the library.

SubSQL is a utility included with FastDB, enabling inspection of the database content and administration of the database. It can run concurrently with your application, but users should be aware that FastDB employs single-writer-multiple-readers database level locking. If modifications are performed in SubSQL and a commit is not executed, your application may be blocked until the transaction is released (either by committing or aborting it in SubSQL).

FastDB distribution also comes with numerous examples and tests located in the examples directory. These are built using the make command. These tests serve three purposes: illustrating the FastDB programming approach, performing regression testing, and measuring performance. For more information about FastDB, refer to the FastDB.htm file located in this directory.

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