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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-17 15:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 15:31

Ideology within the scope of advertising in the popular throughout Asia, received numerous advertisers love and eventually, as a unique and popular forms of advertising in recent years began, not only to advertising employees began to produce deep impact on consumer groups, also began to fermentation, not only is advertising products and businesses by consumer and the chase for ideology advertising this unique forms of advertising itself also loved his people collect adored.

Different people define ideology advertising in different ways, perhaps the majority of people would use ideological advertising company as defined standards, but as this advertising form of pop, the ideology of outside advertising companies other advertising company also began imitation study application this form of this AD.

At the same time, along with Taiwan at the end of 2009, closing the ideology advertising company, also let us start thinking about ideology advertising this unique forms of advertising, has not only the development of Taiwan's ideology with advertising product of our company advertisement was defined as ideology advertising, what form of advertising is ideology advertising, ideology advertising product definition and target consumption group is what, it contains what, how the principle of advertising can better absorption used for reference and applied to the mainland market are we should deeper discussion and research content.

Ideology this advertising forms won't because Taiwan's ideology advertising company ended the end, ideology ads are also not be people on the shelf or is the object of worship, any advertising forms will have its formation of the theoretical basis and the law, it is not insurmountable.

The purpose of this study is to hope can break to ideology of myth, advertising better understanding of ideology advertising.
Ideology advertising in entire Asia range within of popular, was has many advertising people of favorite and sought after, as a unique and in recent years began popular of advertising form, not only on advertising in China began produced is deep of effect, in consumer groups in the also began fermentation role, not only is advertising of products and businesses was consumer of Chase and favorite, for ideology advertising this unique of advertising form itself also was favorite he of people collection sought after. Different people define the ideology advertising in different ways, perhaps most to the advertising company as a definition of ideology, but with the popularity of this form of advertising, the ideology advertising advertising agencies have begun to imitate other companies learn this form of the advertising. While, as January 2009 end Taiwan ideology advertising company end business, also let we began thinking ideology advertising this unique of advertising form of development, has cannot just with Taiwan ideology advertising company produced of advertising on defined for ideology advertising has, to what form performance of advertising only is ideology advertising, ideology advertising of products defined and target consumption crowd is what, its by contains of advertising learn principle has which, how to better of absorption reference and application Yu mainland market are is we should more deep discussion and research of content. Ideology this form of advertising not because Taiwan advertising company came to an end, the end of ideology, ideology advertising has not been on the shelf or object of worship, any form of advertising has its theoretical basis and the formation of rules, it is not insurmountable. The purpose of this study is that hope can break the ideology advertising myths, better understanding of the ideology advertising.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 15:29

Ideology advertising in entire Asia range within of popular, was has many advertising people of favorite and sought after, as a unique and in recent years began popular of advertising form, not only on advertising in China began produced is deep of effect, in consumer groups in the also began fermentation role, not only is advertising of products and businesses was consumer of Chase and favorite, for ideology advertising this unique of advertising form itself also was favorite he of people collection sought after. Different people define the ideology advertising in different ways, perhaps most to the advertising company as a definition of ideology, but with the popularity of this form of advertising, the ideology advertising advertising agencies have begun to imitate other companies learn this form of the advertising. While, as January 2009 end Taiwan ideology advertising company end business, also let we began thinking ideology advertising this unique of advertising form of development, has cannot just with Taiwan ideology advertising company produced of advertising on defined for ideology advertising has, to what form performance of advertising only is ideology advertising, ideology advertising of products defined and target consumption crowd is what, its by contains of advertising learn principle has which, how to better of absorption reference and application Yu mainland market are is we should more deep discussion and research of content. Ideology this form of advertising not because Taiwan advertising company came to an end, the end of ideology, ideology advertising has not been on the shelf or object of worship, any form of advertising has its theoretical basis and the formation of rules, it is not insurmountable. The purpose of this study is that hope can break the ideology advertising myths, better understanding of the ideology advertising.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 15:32

Ideology Advertising within the scope of the epidemic across Asia, many advertisers are loved and sought after, and as a unique form of advertising became popular in recent years, not only for advertising practitioners started to have a deep impact in the Consumer groups have begun to fermentation, not only advertising the products and the pursuit of business and loved by consumers, for the ideology of advertising itself, this unique form of advertising is also sought after collection of people loved him. Different people define the ideology of advertising in different ways, perhaps most people will be as defined in the standard ideological advertising, but with the popularity of this form of advertising,
The ideology of advertising other than advertising companies have begun to learn to imitate the application of this form of advertising. Meanwhile, with the end of January 2009 the ideological advertising company out of business in Taiwan, so we started thinking about ideology, this unique form of advertising advertising development, has not only produced by Taiwan's ideology ads advertising is defined as ideology advertising, and in what form of advertising considered as ideological advertising, ideology and objectives of advertising products, consumer groups define what is advertising it contains principles which, how
Better able to absorb the reference and applied to the Mainland market is that we should explore and study the deeper content. This advertising will not ideology ideology of Taiwan end of the end of the advertising company, advertising is not ideology, has been shelved and the object of worship or any form of advertising will have to form the theoretical basis and its laws, it is not insurmountable. The purpose of this study is to hope to break the myth of ideological advertising, a better understanding of Ideology Advertising 有点是翻译器翻译的 有点自己翻字典翻的 希望谅解 实在太多

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 15:30

Ideology within the scope of advertising in the popular throughout Asia, received numerous advertisers love and eventually, as a unique and popular forms of advertising in recent years began, not only to advertising employees began to produce deep impact on consumer groups, also began to fermentation, not only is advertising products and businesses by consumer and the chase for ideology advertising this unique forms of advertising itself also loved his people collect adored.

Different people define ideology advertising in different ways, perhaps the majority of people would use ideological advertising company as defined standards, but as this advertising form of pop, the ideology of outside advertising companies other advertising company also began imitation study application this form of this AD.

At the same time, along with Taiwan at the end of 2009, closing the ideology advertising company, also let us start thinking about ideology advertising this unique forms of advertising, has not only the development of Taiwan's ideology with advertising product of our company advertisement was defined as ideology advertising, what form of advertising is ideology advertising, ideology advertising product definition and target consumption group is what, it contains what, how the principle of advertising can better absorption used for reference and applied to the mainland market are we should deeper discussion and research content.

Ideology this advertising forms won't because Taiwan's ideology advertising company ended the end, ideology ads are also not be people on the shelf or is the object of worship, any advertising forms will have its formation of the theoretical basis and the law, it is not insurmountable.

The purpose of this study is to hope can break to ideology of myth, advertising better understanding of ideology advertising.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 15:32

Ideological advertisement is the rage in the whole region of Asia; it is the favorite and pursuit of many advertisers. As a unique advertising format that has been popular in recent years, not only does it start to deeply influence people in the advertising industry, its effect also starts to ferment among the consumer groups too; they love and go after the products and companies promoted by these advertisements, and these ideological advertisements are in great demand and collected by those who like this unique form of advertising. The way to define ideological advertisement differs with different people, or many people may treat the ideological advertising companies as a definition standard; but with the growing popularity of this form of advertisement, other types of advertising companies also begin to imitate and learn ideological advertisement.

Meanwhile, the winding-up of the Taiwan ideological advertising company at the end of January 2009 has prompted us to start contemplating the development of this unique form of advertising; we cannot just confine the definition of ideological advertisement only to those advertising works produced by that Taiwan advertising company. Which form of advertising presentation can be considered as ideological advertisement? What are its product definition and target consumers? What principles of advertising does it consist of? How to better absorb and draw upon this form of advertisement and apply it in the China market? These are the issues that should be more intrinsically explored and studied. The close down of the Taiwan ideological advertising company does not mean the end of this form of advertising; it is also not a subject to be ignored or worshiped. Any form of advertising has its own theoretical foundation and law, but it is not insurmountable. The objective of this research is to shake off the mysticism of ideological advertisements, so as to better understand this form of advertising.

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