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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 15:37



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 16:09

Our world needs to be harmonious, we need the animal and the humanity live together, therefore we need the animal, we must the protect animals. the animal and the humanity equally have the life, animal's existence also has the advantage to the humanity. In the world has many different animals, some of them lovable some attractive some are interesting, therefore they bring many pleasure to us. Looks like the parrot it to be very intelligent, it will imitate the human to speak, when will have the visitor it to say you to your family to be good, when the visitor will want it to say. the animal brings joyfully for ours life, we need them


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 16:08

Our world needs harmony, we need to animals and humans live together, so we need animals, we need to protect animals. Animal and human life as it is, the existence of the human animal is also beneficial. The world has many different animals, they have some pretty cute some fun, so they give us much fun. It is very smart like a parrot, it will mimic human speech, when there are guests to your home it will say hello, when it will take guests say goodbye. Animals to bring happiness to our daily lives, we need them


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 16:06

The demand of our world is harmonious, we need the animal to live together with mankind, so we need the animal, we want to protect the animal.
The animal is similar to mankind is to have the life of, the existence of the animal to the mankind also are to have the advantage. There are many different animals in the world, the interesting that the amiability that they have has beautiful to have, so they bring many fun for us. Be like the parrot intelligent, it will copy the person to talk, be the guest to your house and will say How are you, was the guest to want to walk it will say that see again.
The animal life for us brings the happiness, we need them
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