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翻译下列句子(高手来 谢谢)

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热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 10:41

2.i was too busy to go to walk yesterday.
3.Linda did not go shopping because of the rain.
4.eating healthy food is good for us.
5.we always do exercise everyday,although the weahter turns colder.
6.he is a little lazy,hardly ever do exercise.
7.i am stressed out,because my english dose not improve.
8.we all want to know what is the weather like there.
9.the school is far away from the super market.
10.sam's football is not as good as sim.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 10:42

2. I am too busy yesterday, did not have time to go for a walk.
3. Because of rain, Linda did not go shopping.
4. To eat healthy foods is good for us
5. Although the cold weather, but we have to exercise every day.
6. A little lazy, he almost never exercise
7. Because the English have not improved, I have more pressure.
8. We all want to know how the weather there.
9. The school is far away from the supermarket.
10.Sam football Tim did not play good.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 10:42

2.I was too busy to have time to go out for a walk.
3.Linda didn't go shopping because of the rain.
4.It's good for us to eat healthy food.
5.Although the weather turns cold,we still do exercises every day.
6.He is a bit lazy,and he hardly ever does
7.Because my English isn't improved much,I am stressed out.
8.We all would like to know how is the weather there?
9.The school is far away from the supermaket.
10.Sam doesn't play football as well as Tim.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 10:43

1-i'm too busy to had a walk yesterday
2-linda didn't go to the shop because of the rain
3-eating healthy food is good for our heath
4-although is getting cold now ,we went for exerises everyday
5-he is a little busy and hardly ever do exercises
6-i am stressed out because of having no improvement in english
7-we all want to know how the weather there
8-the shool is far away from the supermarket
9-sam didn't play football as good as tim

热心网友 时间:2024-12-06 10:43

I am too busy to take a walk yesterday.
Because of the rain, Linda did not go shopping.
Healthy food is good for our health.
Although it turns cold, we take exercise everyday.
He is a little lazy and hardly ever take exercise.
Because my English is not improved, I am stressed out.
We all want to know what the weather is like there.
Our school is for away from the super market.
Sam does not play football as well as Tim does.
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